Monday, April 30, 2007
i'm like super sleepy, but like you know how when you something new, you're like really excited about it cause it's your new baby? yeah, this blog is like super new so i'm super excited about it, so i like always can't wait to update it. lol. what-ever.
so the weekend was a Blast. i'll try and like rmb everything but i'm super sleepy so like i probably won't even rmb that much, but whatever.
hmmmm... let's see...
friday was Por's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, POR! i hou love you worx. Por turned like 62! ha, ha... she's so old. okay, i won't be mean. sorry Por! but you look really young, k? i totally forgot about my camera so i didn't take any pictures. damn.
anyWhos, we
-mummy+chai+me+por+gong+someyi+dayiam+max+jeimei+unclestevensons- all went to some seafood restaurant in bukit timah. yeah, seafood. i don't even like seafood. i hate fish. except salmon, obviously [which normal person doesn't, right?] but i guess the food was pretty good. for seafood, that is. but the food wasn't the exciting part of the night. ha, ha! there was a Little Dra-Ma between the sisters, yarh? omg, it was So Funny! Mummy+Dayima like had this little argument about this lameass issue. Loves It. talk about entertainment, right? everyone was like, It's okay, it's okay and trying to calm them both down and i was like just laughing to myself. but yeah, it was kinda lame cause it Was Por's birthday. but all is good now cause i think they settled it through SMS... what would we all do without modern technology?
after dinner, i was supposed to meet alan+julius+jerome+ryan+thomas+andre for drinks but those boys are always like so un-planned so they were running late, as usual. so i went to Underground to meet Sam! ha, ha. she's Soooo CUTEEE! i totally saved her frm Dota! Dota is evil. i hate Dota. totalgirltalksession+toiletpictures than the boys decided to show up One By One.
lol, you can still sam in this one.
i honestly was on the phone to Daddy Dearest.
FINALLY, they all rocked up, Except Julius the fool, but whatever. and because they're Boys and they were in a place that had pool tables, they spent another like 2 hours playing pool or billard. same shit.
boys will be boys.
yeah, and than Kel [ilovekel] came over for a while til Darius arrived cause they both of them were going to see a movie. ha, ha... so cute. than, Sammy had to leave cause her friends finally finished their Dota game, and i was like left with the Pool-playing boys. Alan disappeared for a while to pick Dawn+Val up. lol, i thot they were going to be bitchy, but they were SO NOT! omg, they're both super sweet and nice! yay, i'm so happy!
we headed for Eski Bar for drinks. lmao, boys got high, i think. well, Alan did. he like humped Thomas. oh wait, he does it even when he's completely sober at school. no, he's just Alan [iloveyoufool]. we -me+dawn+val- basically just laughed at the boys most of the time cause they're such fools.
neways, it was like getting late [or early sat?] and i had work like the same afternoon so we all just like booted.
i swear they were honestly enjoying themselves!
fun, fun, fun.
night's so over.
bcuz i had effin' work, i couldn't make it for her birthday, but Momo being the sweetest thing ever came down to the store and omg she looked so beautiful.
sorry i wasn't at dinner Beautiful, but i hope you had a good time and an even better one that night! lol!
stole this frm Nel's friendster cause i don't have picture myself.
omg, Mo so gorgeous <3
work was a drainer as usual. the Lo-ng EIGHT hours i'm on my dyingfeetinmypieceofshitflatswhichihavealove/haterelationship with. but one good thing did come out of work that day. we had some new stock, and omg i like fell in love with this super cute dress. Yes!
after work, mummy+i went for dinner than she had to go meet a client at GoodWood so i went over to Wheelock to meet alan+dawn+amanda for a while. alan disappeared again and us girls had a good session of girl talk, and than he came back with the wholecrewgang
-thomas+julius+ryan+jerome- and i got bullied again. they were all heading for DXO and like i think it would have been alot of fun but i was in sandals+somedressiworealldayatwork and it would like seriously be So unglam if i went there looking like that. so DXO was skipped, but it was all good cause dawn+i continued with our little girltalk. ha, ha...
than, we walked to orchard mrt and met nel+kel+dan+gen+van+ciwei there. the last train was going to leave in like 3 minutes so it was like, HI!... okay, BYE! but it was still REALLY good, cause it feels forever since i saw them. especially dan+gen+van+ciwei!
mummy left on sunday morning, but daddy arrived saturday night so spent the whole of today with the ohsosexy CHOO FAMILY!
ran super late today when daddy came to pick me+chai up, SORRY! it's in the genes, Father Dearest. we all went to i think, Pasir Panjang for lunch. omg, duckrice is SOO fkn good. than we all went to town for some RETAIL THERAPY. Cafie started it off with her little SPI bag she HAD TO HAVE for school. after that, it was like store after store, and i'm pretty sure Everyone was happy cause we all purchased a little somethingsomething. except Daddy, cause he was the one paying for it all. thankyou+iloveyoudaddy!
omg! we were at Taka and like we went by Sushi Tei and i was STOP! so i dragged nel+aunty with me to Sushi Tei and yes, this was like 2 hrs after lunch and we had like another snack moment. i couldn't resist. like i said, i LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE the chocolatewafer+greentea wafer. it's SOOOO good! i don't feel that bad, cause sushi is low fat, even though Nel ordered the softshell crab and i think that's deepfried. what-ever. and plus, the other half of Team Anus was at The Coffee Bean having mud cakes and iced coffees, and ours was totally the healthier choice.
but yeah, shopping made me So tired! i was like half-dead when we went for dinner. yes, i know. eating Agin. it was Father! he wanted to have um, that chinesefriednoodlesinblacksauce, i forgot how to say in that dialect, so we all went and ate somemore. the eating session finally ended and daddy dropped me+chai off.
omg, i'm so sleepy! i'll be late for school again tmr if i don't like boogie now.
CHANTAL'S half asleep... so Night!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
yayyyy! Mummy is coming home soon! i'm thinking of staying up and waiting to show how much i've missed her, but i don't even know what time she'll be arriving, and i don't really want to sleep on the couch, cause i like totally prefer my bed.
hmmm, i'll think about it...
omg, i just found out from Rachel that like Madagascar is a Real place? are you serious?
it's actually a name of a Real place? whattt...??
i thought it was just that annoying cartoon. lol. random.
neways, BernieBaby and i went to _____ poly to meet up with her friend, Jerald [who thinks i'm a Little bimbotic. WHICH I'M NOT!]. omg! we were sitting at the table, right? and the like Three tables behind us were FULL of guys on their laptops playing DOTA. it's such a weird-ass obsession. and than we went to ACSI for her friend's rugby match. i think it was like between obviously ASCI and SAJC. i don't even know who won though. wait, no... no one won cause the game was like stopped and postponed to friday cause of the lightning. i guess the coaches didn't really want their players to be strike by lightning and like Die.
i was so confused by the game... like everytime some guy had the ball, every other guy would just like JUMP on him. what-ever. i was super excited though because it was Very First Real Life Game. ha, ha. it's so violent though. that i know for Sure, cause my cousin used to play for St Andrews and i rmb SO clearly he'd come home with like scratches. another thing i rmb, is that he always bragged about kicking ACS Barker's ass in rugby. lol.
omg, omg, omg! and i saw GERALDINE! yes, Geraldine from like primary school. she's SOOO cuteeee! i swear, it's like she hasn't changed One bit from last time. ha, ha... still the same old lamer. ha, ha. but i rmb we used to have SO much fun together last time.
ahhhh... Mummy just arrived! yay! guess i won't have to wait up.
neways, going back to same old g'cheng. aw, i miss the good ol' days in OLGC. lol.
so, school was... fun?
i don't know... school's school, but yeah i actually have alot of fun at school.
i might thank BernieBaby+Alan the Cocksta+Tommy the BTB [BrokenThumbBoy]+My Fav Indo Boys!
BernieBaby, if you're reading this, i really do think all those sec ppl think we're lesbian because of out constant hand-holding. lol. loves it.
Alan does this fkn funny Leg Thing where like he can drag his whole like right leg over 5 stairs and it looks SO fake. and than when he's hyper, he runs up+down the same flight fo stairs like 3 times. fool!
and BTB is just funny cause he's got a broken thumb. and nice like retarded plaster you have on your broken thumb, tommy. even bigger fool. it suddenly hit me Why Alan calls me Cacoon Head. it's not because of my elastics! it's because i tie my hair like a Cacoon. i didn't realise it looked like a Cacoon at first though. i mean, seriously, how the hell am i supposed to know what the back of my head looks like. okay, the reason why i do it? it's because when i put my hair down, it'll go wavy. and i Do Love my hair wavy. anyone has a problem? no? yeah, i didn't think so.
anyways, i need to get some sleep since i didn't have my daily nap today.
CHANTAL'S outtie!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
nothing really interesting happened today, and i wasn't going to like blog.
but i'm like bored, so i think i will. oh wait, i already am.
let's see if anything interesting happened in school today... no, can't think of anything. Kriti, if you're reading this. you've been gone for too long. you need to come back. you know you want to. lol, i won't put up your sole reason for wanting to return to singapore on the internet, but I Know. Chantal Knows All.
oh, oh! i'm like in THE Student Council, which means i have control over little people at St Francis. ha, ha. i Love control. but, not as much as Mummy does. she IS a Control Freak. like no joke. Control-Freak.
oh, speaking of Mummy. YES! she texted me so randomly to inform me she bought me bras. um, Thanks Mummy? no, i did bug her for some new ones. so Peace Mother. Much Thanks.
oh, and regardless what Tim says. I, Chantal, DID NOT, go through the "back door" or whatever to get into Student Councillors. i Simply expressed my unhappiness when i found out i wasn't chosen by the majority of my teachers. so than, the one teacher who does Adore me went around to all the other teachers like i think, 3 times [he told me so himself], to try and convince them. and i was interviewed and Chosen.
See? No back door way or whatever. go die, Tim. they just needed some persuasion, that's all.
anyways, ha ha. i found some random pictures taken at school, when we were killing time before the much dreaded Bio test.
Edmund Hates Us.
Oh-So-Cool Student Councillors.
[my sexy bitch]
lmao. i took this for Paulie for when he gets lonely.
chantal says Laterrr.
Monday, April 23, 2007
alan like broke thomas's thumb today! NO JOKE. it's broken.
god knows what those 2 boys were doing in that cosy little room we have at school, and they both come out and thomas's thumb is broken.
it was the funniest thing Ever!
omg, i couldn't stop laughing at thomas in pain. i know, i know. it's totally mean, but like if you saw thomas in pain and alan just laughing, you'd be pissing yourself too.
ha, ha. okay, but i was super nice and gave thomas a "hardcore thai massage". yeah, right.
i'm not even thai! okay, what-ever.
but his thumb SWELLED up SO bad. it was like this massive massive like hump on his palm.
lol, okay i'll stop laughing at the Broken Thumb Boy.
if you're really blind+retarded, the right palm is the the Swelled up one.
see? told you it was Bad.
anyways, another reason alan is evil is because he always freakin starts stupid names for me. and it Always catches on. alan, i tell you ah, i'm going to punch you.
first it was that very gross Salted Fish. and i won't even go into WHY he started with that, cause it's super gross. and now, it's Cacoon Head. why? because of how my hair is tied up. and Who can i blame? Who steals my elastics and like never return them back? so all i'm left with at home if freakin like retarded elastics who has lost All elasticity. [is that a word? what-ever, you get what i mean.]
but, Yes! he did apologise. alan the cocksta got down on his knees to ask for my forgiveness. ha, ha. good boy, alan. and yes, alan, i do forgive you.
anyways, my Grandma is seriously Robin Hood.
holly and i have this joke. my Grandma is Robin Hood cause she like steals stuff from my aunt and gives it to me. okay, not Steal-Steal, but like you know, with the authority she has being my aunt's mum and all, takes goods like her Louis Vuitton Speedy and Gucci tote and gives them to me. see? it's not really stealing, cause i'm still family. and besides, my aunt hasn't even noticed. i was doing her a favour. seriously. the poor bags were totally unused and unloved in the STOREROOM. see? Storeroom. not even in the overloaded wardrobe. i give them much needed TenderLovingCare. whereas, holly's Grandma is Emo cause she's threatened suicide and threw All of holly's CD collection away. LMAO! funniest thing ever. i could not stop laughing. sorry holly. i do realise it was over a hundred, but it is pretty funny. lol.
she once again came bearing gifts.
i would NEVER EVER trade my Grandma for anyone in the whole wide world.
i love you, Por.
omg, i just remembered the funniest conversation, if you can call it a conversation, with a certain someone at school last week. BernieBaby could not stop laughing.
chantal: Hi!
certainsomeone: Hi!
chantal: Do you have a girlfriend?
certainsomeone: What do you think?
chantal: Yes? Bernie: No!
certainsomeone: No... I don't.
chantal: Really? I just broke up with my boyfriend.
certainsomeone: [arms open wide] Come to papa.
chantal+BernieBaby: [Dropped on the floor laughing]
lmao. it was the funniest 2 second conversation i've EVER Had with Anyone.
i think BernieBaby and myself were like laughing for seriously 1 whole minute.
neways, i'm supposed to be studying for Bio.
chantal's gotta boogie!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
20th of april was a Super Special Day because it was also My Very Precious WBB -WhiteBlondeBitch- Birthday!!! Happy Birthday, gorgeous.
yay, and she finally goes and take her Learner's. you're like a year too late, hunni buns.
oh, my god... i miss you Sooo Much! Like tons+tons. Like an un-believeable amount. i so wish i was like there to spend the day with you. but i hope you had a good day anyways, baby.
omg, like recalling all the lame-ass shit we use to do never fails to crack me up.
allofourretardedquotes].... and just basically every single second spent with you was amazing. you're Such a beautiful person and seriously One of a Kind. you've never ever failed to make me laugh... even the times we roughed it out on the streets. lol!
i miss you all the time, and i love you so fkn much!
times i'll never ever forget.
aw, rmb last yr?
old-school Donni Days.
omg, i love you so fkn much!
you're SO Beautiful, and don't change for anyone.
so neways, today was.... fruitful? is that even a word? sounds so fruit-ish.
i was totally craving for the chocolate wafer from Sushi Tei, so naturally
we -me+mummy+annoyingbrother- went to Sushi Tei for like a super late lunch, and YES, i had my chocolate wafer. oh, my... god, it's SO good like i love it so much. shit, stop thinking about it. ahhhh.... now i'm craving for it again. what-ever. okay, so i was being totally greedy and like i ordered the greentea+honey wafer too. lol. it's all Sam's fault [iloveyou, sam]
and than, my brother HAD to get a New bed frame [okay fair enough, he hasn't even got one] when all the cab stands were PACKED and it was like totally raining, so from Taka, we decided to really stick it out and bus to some like Furniture Mall?
ha, ha... Mummy like saw one of her Long Lost Friend, and they had like this full conversation. yay.... Fun, Fun, Fun.
anyways, after walking around the BORING mall like three million times, Chai-ish Finally decides on a damn bed frame. wait a minute, i, chantal, was Supposed to get a New bed frame because Mummy was supposed to get me plush one with red velvet and buttons to go with my room. okay, what-ever. i shall not be "self-centred", quoting my mum. going back to Chai-ish. yes, he finally decided on a bed frame, so we could finally leave. YES!
aw, Mummy's got to fly off again tmr... but she'll be back soon enough.
and maybe by than she'll cool off about my phone bills.
i love you, mummy. i'll totally pay for yours when you're old and can't work.
mummy so blur.
chantal's gotta boot! <3
omg, i love him! he's So adorable!
so, we -me+bernie+dewa+ra+paul+brian+bryan+tim+jordan+
brayden+ john+randoms?- all went to Paragon for dinner. lol, it was so funny because after dinner, BrayBray wanted dessert, so he ordered this like thing [i like forgot what it was called, but it was really good] and like each time he left it for 2 minutes, Tim the Irritant, would like do something to it. the first time he left the dessert, Tim put oil in it, and it was like 3/4 full. it was So freakin obvious, i swear even the blind could tell something wasn't right. so Bray had to order it again. the second time, Tim like diluted it so much, that the colour changed. damn that Timonthy. the third time he left it [you'd think Bray would have learnt by now], Tim put Tissue in it! how mean is that? poor Bray. well, at least he realised. he finally gave up.
Tim's so Mean! poor BrayBray.
lol. but i gotta admit, it was pretty fun-ny.

Happy 18th, Dewa!

he totally needed help with cutting the cake

my fav Indo Boys

okay, see Bray here? totally sober+normal coloured? wait til later. and yeah, that's the damn-ning Tim.
omg, and the guys were SO unglam! they forced us to train to Clarke Quay! i nearly died, but Bernie was so accomadating, i had to try to follow suit.
after dinner, we headed to Sahara for drinks+shisha. lol.
loves the arabian music. not.
what-ever. we got the couch area cause i was totally smart and reserved it. ha, ha!
omg, i swear the pillows haven't been cleaned At All. it was like so Ewl.
anyways, Bray got drunk. Again. it's like everytime we go out, it's Get Brayden Drunk Day. so he knocked out after like 30 minutes. okay, maybe not 30, maybe 45? same difference.
so Bray was basically dead for the rest of the night. oh wait, than he randomly woke up and started throwing up. yeah, he sat his ass down on the dirtyass floor in the toilet and puked into the even dirtierass toilet. i wanted to throw up after witnessing that.
he was so Gone. and i'm not even exaggerating. i've got pictures to prove it.

Bray's on the way.



Gone. Told You.
i swear i did NOT change the colour of the picture. Yes, he does turn That red.
Okay, moving away from Bray. 

i LOVE my BernieBaby!
i didn't trust Bernie in a cab by herself, so i decided to be a Really Good Friend, and send her ALL the way home in Punggol from Boat Quay than back to Bukit Timah and Bukit Panjang. Brian was also worried [so sweet, right BernieBaby?] so he accompied both of us. lmao, if your reading this BernieBaby... you started crying in the cab cause you accused Brain of Scolding you. all i could was laugh. sorry. that's all i ever do anyway. ha, ha...!
okay, i think i'm all blogg-ed out for the day.
til tmr!
chantal's OUT!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
oh, my god....
i'm so excited!!
ha, ha! my very first post. one that i wrote.
thanks, bernie?
oh yarh, i still need to dedicate a whole post to you.
i'm going to like dedicate my very first post to my family beause they're super cool, and i love them tons+tons ❤
yayyy!! my mummy just arrived home from Hong-tothe-Kong, and we went to Swensens for dinner.
oh, my god... i think i'm addicted to dessert. it's So good! ice cream is Sooo good.
i lovelovelovelovelove ice cream. okay, think you get the picture.
anyways, dinner was so funny! mummy asked us for suggestions to name her company.
bad idea.
mummy was suggesting SoHo-Boho? something like that, and Chai-ish came up with Jo-S-O.
lmao! geddit?! "Jo-Asshole"
omg, it was hila-rious. i was pissing myself laughing.
mummy didn't think it was very funny, but what-ever.
damn! she's gotta leave again on Monday morning.
"but Mummy, you fill the emptiness in my heart."
lol, i was being emo.
family like totally comes first.
i think i'll die without my family. and no, i'm not drunk talking.

-Chanel Is My Other Half-

wonder who?

Cafie so gorgeous.

"father dearest"

can you say MILF?


i love them.
so this is my first post dedicated to my sexy family.
chantal's OUT!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Chantal's too dumb to know how to change her template. Ok sorry Chantal you had to post at least one post in order to preview your template HAHAHA so I just came to post this. You know I adore you.
Xoxo Bernie