Saturday, July 28, 2007
okay, so this might be a sensitive subject for some ppl, but whatever i don't really care, i'm still blogging about it.
so, the subject is Toes. or rather, funk-yyy looking toes with like, dirtyass ingrown toe nails.
okay, ohmygod, i don't even know why i'm blogging about dirtyass toenails, but like i've been expanding my horizons on Selective Seeing, and like, i think the fine citizens of Singapore really don't care very much for their toenails for that matter.
and, They Really Should. i mean, for themselves, and like ppl around them with eyes.
cause it's really gross.
and what's worse than funky looking toes with dirtyass ingrown toe nails are if those feet things, if you can call them that, are in Birkenstocks. or Bacon-Stock as my sister calls them.
um, yeah. she does tend to associate alot of things with food.
okay, so many of you are getting pretty defensive with the whole "What's wrong with Birkenstock?" and "Birkenstocks are comfortable".
yeah, whateverrrr.
i think Birkenstocks is kinda gross, and the Fake Birkenstock is like, gross-er.
i know like, less than 5 ppl who can pass off the "Birkenstock Look".
neways, whatever like i said, it's a sensitive subject.
oh and pls, it honestly won't kill for you to go for a Pedicure session.
moving away frm funky topics.
i have this stupid throbbing headache that won't go away.
it's like a stupid annoying flying insect.
so today was fun.
Nel+Cafie+I Sushi Tei-ed at Taka and like ohmygod, it's so good.
i totally passed the Wafer obsession onto Nel cause she had ordered two.
neways, i need to go do smthg about this dumbass of a headache i have.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
yeah. totally <33
oh, and did i mention? my mother is crazy.
anyways, i am spcieal because proven by some university, only 55 out of 100 ppl can read this below.
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too.
Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the
olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit
pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a >pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by
istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt!
i know, right? so whatever.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
i've just returned from being FORCED to walk in the rain and buy McDonald's by my brother. he is so super cruel. and he made me buy him a 20 piece McNugget set.
who the hell eats 20 pieces of chicken nuggets at one go? like, so sickkkk.
and he refuses to share them with me.
DISTURBIA is sooooo effin' good !!
watched it last night with Nel+Kel+El+Wilson+LiHao, and ohmygod, it was like so freakin' thrilling.
i mean, yeah like duh. it IS a thriller and all, but like, it was Really thrilling.
Nel+El+Me were like huddled together and i wouldn't let go of Nel's arm.
anyways, before that. i did go prom dress shopping with Mummy.
and i did not find ONE dress i liked.
ughhhh. prom is in like, what? 2 weeks?
sosuper stresseddddddddd.
this is so much worse than exam period.
okay so when Mummy ditches me for another one of her "Hot Dates", i met up with Holly and we Sushi Tei-ed once again.
ohmygod, and you shld know that we DID NOT have wafers.
yep, you read right. Chantal Did Not Have Wafers.
and i never knew salad could taste so good.
we continued shopping just in case i might have missed a potential prom dress somewhere, but no, no luck in Chantal's favour.
we bumped into one of Holly's friend, Theresa and lol, she's so funny.
so yeah, that was my Saturday night.
the day God gave us to rest.
wait, is that right? like, in the Bible?
i don't know.
you'd be proud to know that i completed all my homework and did the ironing and the laundry.
whatever, i'm off now.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
my new favourite hobby apart frm obviously, my life-long favourite hobby of shopping, is being a pathetic TV junkie glued to the T-Box with One Tree Hill in the DVD player.
i always always fall for this. i think this time last year, i was glued to my laptop at 4 in the morning on a school night watching Season 1 of The OC. followed by, Veronica Mars. and Prison Break. and Laguna Beach.
ugh. this ALWAYS happens. but whateverrr cause One Tree Hill is so fuckin' good !
i lovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelovelove it !!
neways, met Jerome+Daniel+Owen+Randoms at Wisma to help them pick out their prom outfits.
had a blast, except i can't believe them boys have Their outfit ready and i don't even have Mine.
this is super unfair.
prom dress shopping later with Mummy better be good.
keeping my fingers crossed.
later, met up Bray+Paulie+Tim+Jordan+Bernie+Brian+Rach+Kriti for dinner at Thai Express and what was supposed to be a movie, but we just ended up at Starbucks.
but hey, who's complaing ?
ahahahahah. SUP KIKS ?
and random pics frm being silly at school.
got the pictures frm the other day which few of us did for some school thing or whateverr.
i don't even know for what, but they came back looking pretty silly.
a second with the Choos.
guess that's how they like it ?
told you he was retarded.
like they say, High School is a Bitch.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
okay, so compared to last night, tonight is still going reasonably well. but, like they say the night is still young.
lol, whateverrr. i probably just used that saying in the wrong context.
neways, last night was very uneventful.
rmb how i was going on about me breaking my nail, and the magician of a manicurist Fixed it and it was all good? well, i forgot about my broken nail that was really "glued" back, and decided to give myself a head massage, and my stupid nail got caught in my stupid hair and yeah, it broke again. i had high hopes for that poor little nail. i thot it'd make it through the night and the whole of school the next day so i could get it fixed again after school. but it didn't. it finally just broke off.
i nearly cried. but i didn't, cause my Mummy taught me to be strong.
lmao! i'm totally kidding.
um, anyways, what was left of my nail was so ugly you can barely call it a nail. it was so EWL and deformed, i couldn't stand looking at it.
whatever, skipped Drama and got the silly little nail fixed. it's so weird though, because they stuck a fake nail over it. it kinda reminds me of having a wooden peg for leg, except it's having plastic shaped like a nail for you know, a nail.
as i was saying how last night was pretty uneventful...
oh right ! my dumbass of an aircon sucks so badly because it was blowing Hot Air out of its stupid little aircon mouth.
What is The Point of Having an Aircon if it Blows out HOT AIR ?
it was super annoyinggg.
so, i had to either crash in Mummy's room or my brother's. but, my Mum is the LIGHTEST sleeper i've ever met in my wholeentirelife and like, it's so stressful to turn around cause i have to either do it super slow or super fast.
so i decided to crash in Marcel's room. bad bad choice. his room is like so, Stale. and he tells me that my pillows smell. like, Hello ? that boy REFUSES to change his sheets every 2 weeks. and he's got stupid like, white or cream, whatever colour they are, curtains which he doesn't draw.
here's what Really happened.
me: Hi Chai! i'm sleeping here tonight.
chai: no, you're not. go out.
me: yes i am, and if you don't let me sleep here, i won't let you sleep in my room when you get nightmares.
me: gee, thanks! okay, give me 2 secs, i'll be right back.
chai: hurry, i'm gettng less than 7 hrs of sleep already.
so i hurry and grab my pillows, since i don't want his like, drool on my face. gross much ?
me: why don't you draw your curtains? the light comes in and it's so bright.
chai: shut up. don't talk to me. i'm trying to sleep.
me: fine! i'll draw them.
chai: NO! don't touch anything in my room.
me: what? do you enjoy ppl looking at you when you sleep?
he answers me with some sort of angry mutter under his voice.
me: oh crap! i need to moisturise my feet.
chai: I'm going to LOCK my room door if you leave one more time.
so, i quickly grab the moisturiser and like a couple of Lackerol.
chai: What Is That Fruity Smell?
me: my mouth... oh, i forgot my water. wait!
i leave the room for like less than a spilt second and my instinct tells me to run back into the room, and what do you know?
he's trying to slam the door in my face. but thankfully, i was prepared and pushed the door back open and jumped into bed.
me: sharing is caring, Chai.
chai: I Don't Care.
yeah, thanks alot brother. i love you too. ASS.
you know how ppl say "There's First for Everything" ?
well, the First just happened to me like 3 times in One Day.
let me just say that i can now proudly proclaim that ppl find me FUNNY.
i'll count the names.
1. Alethea Tan
2. Kriti Anand
3. Cheryl Ann
okay, apart frm them gorgeous girls, i know Mo thinks i'm funny because she's always laughing at my jokes. and... oh yeah! Holly thinks i'm funny. DON'T YOU, HOLLY ? oh! and Sam. i rmb her saying I'm funny.
so take that Nel+El+Chai+Kel.
i'm Slowly losing the "Un-funny Genes" my father passed down to me. sorry to say, but Daddy, you're jokes are pretty um, not funny. but look on the bright side Daddy, we still laugh, don't we?
as i was on the way to town to get my nail fixed or covered up, i get a call frm Mo with a Subway proposition. obviously, i accept and 30 mins and a plastic nail later, i'm with Mo at Subway.
ohmygod ! that girl is sooooo fkn hilarious!
"they're bad on rainy days."
okay, so i admit i've been living under a rock for not watching One Tree Hill any earlier. maybe a pebble, not rock. i mean, i do watch TV. like, The Hills, Laguna Beach, The OC, Veronica Mars, Prison Break, you know. normal stuff.
but since Sofia lent me her One Tree Hill collection, i've been a TV junkie.
BUT, if Anyone can enlighten me as to WHY THE HELL PEYTON LETS THE WORLD WATCH HER ON WEBCAM, i'll be so freakin' grateful.
apart frm, Dan's "because she's an attention seeking bitch" and several "I don't know...". that question had been going round and round my brain and it's so annoying cause i can't get an answer. like a stupid stain that won't go away.
meet Sofia.
Bernie and her desire of unglam shots.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
it's been like forever since i've had a stud in my tragus piercing and i think i re-pierced it again like 5 minutes ago.
it's weird though, because i don't feel any pain. but i did hear this weird Pop sound.
and for some weirdass reason, my right earphones don't seem to be working to well.
no, i'm totally kidding, i'm not going deaf in my right ear.
since Denise+Me offered to go prom prizes shopping for the student council, that had to be done today.
if i have to say so myself, i think we did a pretty freakin' good job.
we totally stayed under budget. well, Denise did.
the whole time it was like,
Denise: No Chantal, that's over the budget.
Me: Oh. But, we've saved on other things, can't we just spend more on the tiara?
Denise: No.
this is honestly the first time in my 16 years of living, i've managed to stay within a budget during shopping.
massive massive step for Chantal.
listen to this dream Denise had of me at prom -
apparantly i rock up with some random who gives me a really "Beautiful" [according to Denise] corsage, which was super weird because it wasn't even my graduating year.
Denise: Chantal, you can't be dancing because we're Council and we need to be working.
Chantal: Oh.My.God. I don't care. It's prom.
Denise: ... ...
[dream ends]
i was like laughing so freakin' hard because it's the exact words i'd actually say. it was so super odd.
LOL, Denise dreamt the Future.
"The best accessory a girl can wear is her confidence."
and i quote Lauren Conrad from The Hills and Laguna Beach.
what's a girl to do without them ?
tell me you don't LOVE shoes.bags.jewellery. and i'll tell you to your face You're A Freak. okay, i kid i kid. not a freak, simply "Special" the same way my Mum tells my brother he is "Special". wait, no actually she doesn't. she tells him he's a Freak and that he is Sick in the Head.
aw. don't you feel the love ?
i think Holly+I had this conversation the last time we were getting our nails done.
Holly: maybe i should accessorise more, Chantal.
Me: yeah, you should. oh crap! i forgot my ring.
Holly: I DIDN'T.
Me: well, i wouldn't forget my ring if it was the only accessory i wear.
neways, i'm going to bed now so i can get up later to like, do homework or smthg.
yeah, rightttt.
every time the weekend comes along, i ALWAYS ALWAYS plan to iron the clothes that seem to be pilling up, and do some revision since i've made a pact with myself to score A's by the end of year. and Bernie started laughing at me. ugh.
but, i'm so going to show her i'm actually Really smarttt !
half of the weekend is basically DONE-ZO, and neither hs been completed.
Mummy arrived this afternoon and we went to DOME for lunch at Shaw House, than she had to rush off to get her hair done for her "Hot Date".
lmao. ohmygod, i nearly died laughing.
she's too freakin' cuteee !
she tried to play it cool but it like totally didn't work, cause she was like so confused in the morning cause she couldn't decide what to wear.
oh, Mummy. the whole "I don't have anything to wear" does so not work when you have like, 10 cartons of clothes sitting in the spare room.
me, being the caring helpful daughter, helps her decide on a LBD. seriously, how can Anyone go wrong with a Little Black Dress ?
as bimbotic as this sounds, my nail broke and like it wasn't one of the little chipped kind.
like, this was a Serious Nail Breaking Incident so i went to get it fixed and ohmygod, that manicurist might as well be a magician because she's so freakin' amazing and she fixed it and i know, you can't just "Fix" a nail, but she did and now it's like Brand New.
the plan for dinner was to meet at SEVEN at Marina Bay.
i know, right? what the hell is in Marina Bay? i honestly don't know. i've never even been there in my wholeentirelife but apparantly, alot. alot of like scenery things and parks according to Wilson.
LOL, like whatever.
neways, Mo+Bryan+Wilson+Marilyn+Rachel+Sean+Myself were all there On Time and we wait for ONE WHOLE FREAKIN' HR for Nel+Kel.
they finally arrive and after that we find ourselves on a mini-bus to like Boon Keng instead of somewhere in Marina and everyone was so freaked out cause we've all seen like, Hostel and creepy movies like that.
no, we did arrive safe at some random restaurant, and stuffed ourselves to the point of near throwing up.
okay, i'm totally exaggerating.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
death jokes are honestly, the least funniest jokes.
BUT, ppl like my brother doesn't agree.
marcel: that was Mum on the phone.
me: oh, why?
marcel: um... bad news. Uncle Jim died.
marcel: yeah. HAHAHA.
me: that's our step-dad, you fkn idiot!
my heart like, stopped beating for a Whole Minute.
and i totally fell for it because it was so out of a blue, and seriously, WHO THE HELL jokes like this?
oh right. my brother. freakin' ass he is.
ohmygod, they're wayyyy cuteee.
like, when you see old people crossing the road, it's like: Awwwwwww.
and all you wanna do is like run over and give them the Biggest Hug, but you can't because you'll probably be accused for having a weird-ass fetish for the elderly.
but it's sad when old people are like all skinny and they carry heavy things and you wanna help, but can't again because you'll be accused of trying to steal their $1.99 newly bought goods.
ohmygosh, there's this old lady who's like, ALWAYS selling random stuff in town. it's SOOOOO sad, okay! i always feel obligated to buy her overpriced $2 packet tissues. for anyone interested in heping her, she also sells like hair dye and canned food.
OHMYGOD, and when old people EAT?! ohmygosh, that's tooo cuteeeeee. like with their little denches and stuff. awwwwwwwwww.
i freakin' LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE old people.
they're superduper-fkn-cuteeeeee !
i know my Grandma full LOVES my Grand-dad even though she doesn't admit it.
me: Por, do you love Gong-Gong?
por: what's there to love? he's already so old.
even though she calls him Old Man instead of like, his name and yells instead of normal talking, and only ever makes him stew or meatballs+potatos, she's always comparing him to all her son-in-laws, saying how he's so much better.
and she's always buying him vitamins.
ohmygod, old people are so fkn cuteeee in their odd little ways.
When You're Gone by Avril Lavigne is the SADDEST song i've ever heard in my whole entire life !
like you can even get all teary listening to the song when you're on the bus.
it's supersupersupersuper sad.
i've honestly, NEVER heard a sadder song.
ohmygosh, and the video ?
i like, don't know one person who didn't cry watching the video.
ohmygod... it's super sad! and he was like crying? and than he goes and looks at their wedding photo? and he touches her clothes?
ohmygosh, i can't even imagine losing ANYONE i care for, and to think that everyone has to die one day?
ohmygosh, i think i'll die.
i'm like, in the BIGGEST HUGEST STATE of denial that everyone has to die one day. i'm like crazzzzy scared of dying.
as much as i hate someone, i would NEVER EVER wish death upon Anyone.
torture, maybe. but not death.
that's the meanest thing anyone could wish for.