Thursday, August 30, 2007
hey Hols, how crazy is it that we've ben friends for so long?
like a whole damn decade. actually, i'm getting kinda sick of you.
AW. i'm kidding, Doll. i love you to death !
ohmygoddd. i still rmb like the first day we met. LOL.
if i have to say so myself, we were pretty cute, werent we?
like being 7 yrs old and all, at Primary One orientation.
okay, i realise this was taken at MY birthday, but i dont have one of us at yours cause my Mum the genius left all our photo albums in my StepDad's garage back in Melbourne.
i've had the BESTEST memories of us over the years that i'll always rmb (=
like how i didnt want to sit next to you on the bus ? or when i created an Anti-Holly Club and half the class joined it? or when AJL forced you to join that Sailing Club thing? or when i told you over&over again to quit ballet?
oh, and how can i possibly forget our un-countable fights?
yeah, good freakin' memories Holly.
ohmygod, we've had SOOOO MUCH fun together over the last like, 10 years and i know we'll be friends forever&ever&ever.
you can't run from me, Bitch.
i love you Silly Billy, and i miss you <33
iloveyou <33
anyways, i am beyond glad that today is the last real day of school before Teacher's Day celebration at school tmr.
Bernie+Kriti+I did out Media presentation and it pretty much rocked everyone's socks. and damn, i'm happy that's finally over.
belive it or not, this assignment gave me eye bags. and i've never gotten eye bags before. like, i Don't get eye bags.
the most i ever get, is like Stage One of eye bags, but i'm sure today i've reached a Stage you couldn't go higher.
yeah, some crazy shit. and we better get As on this assignment.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
i've only really admitted to one person before you know, the entire Cyber World. i am actually, Beyond Spastic with this dumbass html thing.
i tried to like, Study it or smthg but sadly, to no avail. None. Zero. Zilch.
it kinda reminds me of my abiliy to read a map. or, lack of.
i rmb back in Year 8 in Geography class when our teacher gave out everyone maps and some like, activity or quiz thing and i failed it.
and, have you ever been in the car with the Psycho Driver of a Mum that you have, and because your friend decides to have a party in a suburb like 10 million miles away frm yours, your Mum throws the road directory onto your lap and your forces to give her directions DESPITE knowing Very-fkn-Well you can't read a map to save a life. and than, goes nuts when you turn the whole stupid directory around because you can't understand how we're going straight when the road is appears well, not straight in the directory ?
all of this, UNTIL of course, your StepDad decides to go out and buy a GPS. that i named after yours truly. LOL. well, if this Chantal can't give right directions, the electronic one ought to.
oh, and did i mention. my Mum is Amazing at reading damn maps. i don't understand why she wanted to torture me the way she did.
but it has been proven, hasn't it? that females are better with languages [again smthg i'm not], but read read maps to save a life ? i'm not making this up. Hand to God.
anyways, it's been several days since i last blogged.
well, the whole of last weekend was spent doing schoolwork.
on Saturday, Bernie+I went over to Kriti's to work on our Media assignment and ended up eating+talking more than working.
and silly Bernie got crazy excited over a webcam, and forced us to wave and pretend to be happy to see Brian over the internet.
on Sunday, we realised our assignment didn't look the way we wanted it to and unless a miracle happened i suddenly had the talent to draw, it was going to look pretty ugly.
mannn, No Joke. i have Absolutely No Talent for drawing.
both my parents draw. design. whatever.
guess that gene skipped me. the Ass of a brother i have can draw, reasonably well. and Nel is like, super good at art.
and that stupid Ass of a brother i have REFUSED to help me. yeah, he REFUSED to help his sister in distress.
how much of an ASS does someone have to be to refuse someone in need ?
than i realised, i had KELVIN KHORRRR !
the BESTEST BEST Brother from Another Mother Anyone Could Have (=
who is like a COMPLETE LIFE SAVER !
in order not to have an ugly assignment to hand in, i had to go over to Khor's and ohmygod, he's so amazing and he DREW the whole thing again, after criticising my colouring effort.
really, Khor is the Bestest-fkn-Brother to have!
i LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE times a billion trillion million times, and i do know i owe you like big big time.
Best-fkn-Brother everrr !
and let's see the Before&After of our project. LOL.
he like, whipped that up within like 3 hrs or smthg. and that includes me making him watch numerous One Tree Hill Clips, and bitch fights on youtube.
OH OH! when i was in the cab on the way home that night, the Cab Uncle told me
i was like, Whattttt ? I'm so NOT falling for it.
but apparantly, it's TRUE. cause he's picked up that Tarzan Dude like 3 times and after midnight, he'll like climb out of the jungle and go drinking at the coffee shop on the other side of the highway.
LOL. how weird is that? a TARZAN.
i thot they only existed in cartoons and like, Cavemen Time.
i started questioning the Uncle about everything.
i found out this Tarzan Dude wore long pants instead of the little cloth as underwear, smells fairly bad, has long matted hair, pays for his alcohol and cab fares with new money notes and probably ate fish he caught. and, i thot it was illegal to go fishing in reservoirs. but i guess the rules are a little different if you lived in the jungle next to the reservoir.
do you belive it? a TARZAN.
anyways, due to all the stress frm stupid essays and assignments, having fugly nails did nothing for me. since Biology was cancelled, i had time to get a Mani. but that's not it.
i don't know why these things keep happening to me, but as i was sitting there at the bus stop, this bus stops to pick up ppl, obviously. and what do you know?
sitting right at the back of the bus is a couple, and the girl was freakin' popping the guy's pimples.
no, not picking this time. POPPING. with tissues and all.
yeah, great. Thumbs Up for Hygiene.
i'm like, speechless. i mean, SERIOUSLY. like, do they not realise what they're doing in PUBLIC ?
anyways. we've all seen those ads for Being Aware of Potential Bombs on MRTs, right?
it was so funny. these 2 little boys were SO Engrossed in the video and when it ended they started looking underneath all the seats and kept staring at the man who had a bag under the seat. their eyes didn't leave the man, at all. until their Mum had to drag them out of the MRT.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
one of my BESTEST BEST friend in the WholeWideWorld, Lauren Edgerton, just had her Debutante Ball a few weeks ago, and damn she looked SOOOO-fkn-STUNNING !
and okay i don't wanna sound like a sob but, i miss her every single day and the worst thing is that the next time i see her will be like, in a yr frm now.
it's also the Biggest Joke that all that i've got left are pictures from last year.
i love you forever, Lauren Edgerton<3
this sucks so bad, i could cry.
anyways, i was going through her Deb pics and it hit me how much she looked like Hilary Duff in A Cinderella Story, except of course, even more gorgeous !
right right righttt ?
it's okay, i won't blame you if you can't tell the difference.
in English yesterday, our teacher showed us a video of women in China who had their feet binding, and ohmygod, was it the GROSS-EST thing i've ever seen in my WholeEntireLife.
like, i actually almost threw up in my mouth.
it was beyond sickkkk. and like, it's sad cause little girls at the age of like, FOUR, had to start getting their feet binded, and belive it or not, having deformed feet turned the sicksick guys in China at that time on. yeah, it turned them on. okay, so their feet was Small, but COME ON. like, it was so gross.
like, their toes were all weird and stuff.
it confused me though, like did they still have their toenails cut?
i would post a couple of pics, but i'm a total baby when it comes to really disturbing things.
let's move on.
okay, go on. Admit it.
you've tried Google-ing yourself.
it's okay, don't be embarrassed. i'm not.
i admit it. i have (=
the last time i did, the first thing that came up was none other than, Holly Grabarek's blog.
and then, it was Friedster. yep, good old Friendster.
following that, it was just a whole bunch of like, Russian ice skaters or smthg.
Lol, what-ev.
Friday, August 24, 2007
okay, before i start. i just wanna say i miss my old skin. which, is by the way, coming back.
i just have to wait til Bernie fixes it up and good for me (:
i wished i knew how to read this whole html thing.
this whole, I Want A New Blogskin thing turned into such a nightmare.
anyways, i've spent like 5 hrs searching crap on YouTube.
you just watch silly videos and you keep on searching, cause you know, i don't have a real life.
ahahahaha, whateverrrr.
okay fine, i admit. i wasn't Really searching random videos. i was searching One Tree Hill videos.
LMAO. how much sadder is that?
okay, it's not going to be as sad as what i'm going to reveal next.
i'm obsessed with One Tree Hill. i know, what's new, right? and you also know that i've re-watched every single episode frm Season 1 all the way to Season 4.
and i saw the last episode of Season 4 last night, and now it's like... i Want to re-watch everything again, but it's like, Come On. You can't be serious.
so now, i have this little empty feeling inside of having no Sappy Teen Drama to fill the void in my life.
so i decided to Google spoilers for Season 5 and UGH, it's like finding out bits&pieces of it but being able to watch it.
it's like, going shopping, but having no money.
that's how sucky it is.
okay, i really ought to drag on&on about this.
WAIT! i did come across a clip of 2006's Teen Choice Awards where Nick Lachey won Best Love Song or smthg like that for his song, What's Left of Me. but, that's not it. the ironic thing? Jessica Simpson was hosting the show.
Talk About Awkarddddddd.
anyways. moving on.
OH! i spoke to our Level Co-ordinater about Universities and everything, and even though i'm only taking my exams next year, i'm already panicking about Unis and my grades.
i know. un-fkn-beliveable.
Chantal Choo worried about her grades.
this is so super weird. if you were to tell me like, 6 months ago i'd be worried about my grades, i'd wet myself laughing.
but, i mean after like, what? 4 years of not studying [which i might is NOT MY FAULT. blame the fact that my Mum moved us to Australia], i guess and i can't belive i'm saying this, it's time to Study. yes, you read right. STUDY.
and, i can start saving for my coffin now if i was to repeat this year.
ohhhhhh, no way is my Mum having that.
anyways, while waiting on my Crispy Noodles for lunch... Daniel either asked if i was on a diet or if i'm Planning to go on a diet.
first of all, DO I LOOK LIKE I'M ON DIET? what, a Fat Diet? and secondly, fair enough. but come on, you don't need to go crush a girl's self esteem, do you?
whatever it was, i told him i was planning to get Really Obese so i can participate in the Guinness World Records of being the Fatest Person Alive.
after lunch, Bernie+I went into the school's Book Shop, which happens to sell more Food+Drinks than books, mind you for a little after lunch snack. i decided to not let Daniel break my spirit. i say, Keep On Eating.
me: i feel like a Boost.
bernie: i want Milo Nuggets.
brian: how about 500 calories?
Nel's Number One Fans !
CHANTAL'S off now!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
This skin is pretty okay, dontcha think? The previous one was hideous, honestly.
Tell me if you want to change back to your old one k? Or do you want to like try out all the skins you chose on Tuesday night? Whateverrrr hope you like this one!
And btw your Femme skin is a click-click skin, did you know?
And damn! I forgot how fun blogger can be
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
K? XOXO LOVE YOU! (I am a fucking good poet!)
Monday, August 20, 2007
well, Monday has come and gone and since it's past 12 [okay, i guess not according to this stupid clock, but it actually is], i say Hello Tuesday.
it's so weird, i just realised today that Term 3 at school is almost going to end, and after that comes our holidays and then it's Term 4 and then it's CHRISTMAS TIMEEEEEE !!
Christmas is the BESTEST BEST holiday that's ever been created!
it MIGHT even be better than my birthday.
hmmmmmm, no actually i'd say it's a Draw but Christmas is more festiveeee <3!
anyways, there was this like, little event thing at MOS, and Nel+Mo+Lita were modelling. and Tash sang.
LOL. Aunty and her Best Friends!
my MotherFkn hot sister.
there's Lita (:
LOL. "I'd tap that" ahahahahahahaha.
my sister is SOOOOO hotttt !
Lita and Woms<3!
Mo's too fkn mint !
Tash singing (=
and that's that.
once the show was over, it was Chicken Rice time (=
Mo+Nel+Kel+Me cabbed over to River Valley to eat [YES!], and i had the jug of barley that no one ever wants to share with me.
Mo left, and Nel+Kel+Me went into town to catch a movie.
ohmygoddddddddd !
Nel was going on about watching Dead Silence, so we went to get our tickets, and i didn't even know what it was about. we realise it's PG, and thot how scary a PG movie could be, right?
mannnn, i didn't even know it was about DOLLS COMING ALIVE.
like, honestly, i can watch ANY KIND of horror films, but DON'T make me watch like, Dolls Coming Alive or like Killer Clowns.
i couldn't sleep after watching Chucky. damn, i hate that fugly fugly doll.
you know what? i just realised that i NEVER liked dolls when i was little.
i mean, i've always been a Girly Girl [PLEASE let's forget the HORRIBLE 13 yr old phase], like i started using makeup and perfume when i was 6, nail polish when i was 8, high heels at 11. and how could i forgot the phase where Holly+I were MADLY OBSESSED with Smackers Lipglosses at 12 ?
like everything you would expect a little Girly Girl would do, but i NEVER liked dolls.
they just annoyed me.
and it really didn't help that everytime i got a doll as a gift, i'd find her body on the ground next to my brother with her head in his hands.
i mean, yeah they were pretty and all, but i never went to go pick out a doll at the toy store.
OH OH. going back into the movie.
yeah, it scared the crap out of me! and stupid Nel kept repeating the stupid haunted poem afterwards.
whatever, so that was MY FRIDAY NIGHT.
on Saturday was SJC's Family Day, so Nel+Kel+I had to get up earlier than we wanted to attend that. Mo+Bryan also came down (:
but i gotta admit, it was pretty worthwhile.
it was so totally cool to see everyone again, especially LYDIA HOE, the Biggest Retard everrrr and Alethea cause she's so cute!
i think Family Days and Fun Fairs are just an excuse to eat bad food and buy crap.
what better way to spend a Saturday morning though, right?
oh, and we saw Hairspray that night.
Lydia thinks she's All That because she's got a Mickey Mouse tatt.
i'd eat him if he wasn't real.
i've always wondered what i'd look like with Crazy Hair.
Elfie+Shereen (:
on Sundayyyyyyyy. OH!
Nel tutored me Biology while El shaved Kel's head and while Shereen was perving on some guy on YouTube.
for dinner, we went to Mad Jacks at Jalan Kayu and Nel orgasmed over their dessert.
LMAO, i kid.
CHANTAL'S off now!
Friday, August 17, 2007
believe it or not, when i went to get a manicure today, i told the lady to cut my nails short and chose a neutral shade. yep, didnt even go Red for the weekend.
my Grandma didn't even realise i had polish on.
this is because my nails are so beyond weak, it's shocking !
so now, until i nurture them good and strong, they'll stay short-ish and in a neutral shade.
anyways, sitting next to me at the nail salon was a Caucasion couple frm apparantly, Iceland and Norway.
tourist man: now i understand why women do this all the time! it's SO relaxing.
me: yeah, you should get your toes done too.
he gets pretty excited and promises the manicurist he'll bring a friend back the next time, whilst admiring at his pretty now- shiny nails.
i'm talking to Rebecca and find out once again, she thought i was a Bitch before she knew me.
if i get a dollar every time someone says it to me, i'd be well on my way to a Chanel.
i don't understand why almost everyone thinks i'm this really bitchy girl when I'M NOT.
it's always like, "You know, i thought you were such a Bitch before."
and i'm like, "WHHHYYYYYY?"
and they never have a good reason back. but i gotta admit, appearing aloof and bitchy is kinda cool.
okay, maybe just the aloof part. but honestly, if only i get a dollar everytime someone said that.
neways, Nel has promised to tutor me Biology over the weekend, and since she topped her class, i trust her.
HAHA. my sister is smart.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
look, i'm all for like, Lovey-Dovey couples and their PDA action or whatever BUT when I AM on the bus on the way home and i see some girl picking her boyfriend's face for pimples, that's kinda OFF.
wait, scratch that. THAT IS FKN RANKKKK !
i nearly puked on public transport today and it was not a laughing matter.
like, i don't have a problem if you want your boyfriend to have clear skin, but COME ON! On the BUS? forget the bus, just basically anywhere but the privacy of your own home, or even better, bathroom and/or bedroom, it should be ILLEGAL to pick your boyfriend's face for pimples.
it's just as bad as picking your nose and than sticking your finger into your mouth.
yes, my point exactly.
i've totally rubbed off on my brother! he just came up to me proclaiming he'll stop skipping school and rocking up late and his plans to go buy a fullscap pad and an actual pen so he can Study!
and i thought that was a Dirty Word in his dictionary.
hmmmm, no kidding.
talk about Good Role Modelling.
okay, i know you're probably like, all One Tree Hill-ed out, but i was just watching this one episode [no surpise there] and it was soooo funny.
Peyton: i just hooked up with Pete from Fall Out Boy.
Brooke: oh honey, we'll get you a boyfriend. you don't have to lie about it.
ohmygod, it cracked me up so bad i had stitches.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
school today was. school? i dont know. but there aren't many ways you can actually describe school, but whatever.
so we had classes in the morning and when that ended, we had like a 3 hr break til out last class. i know, ONE LAST CLASS. that reason itself was More than Enough needed for me to skip out. well, the OLD Chantal would have without thinking. the NEW Chantal didn't.
instead, Bernie+I came back to mine and slept. yeah, Bernie the Retard crashed for like an hr and okay i admit it, i did too.
after that, we had to cab back to school, and attend that last sad class of Biology.
oh, and i also attended the extra Math class after that AND Council meeting after that.
frm all these NOT skipping, i say VOTE CHANTAL FOR STUDENT OF THE MONTH.
Bernie+I told our Math teacher our plans to be Students of the Month [okay, they choose 3 students each month. HELLO SEPTEMBER !], and he said he'd think about it after we paid our Lift Fines.
damn them stupid fines.
anyways, i hear One Tree Hill calling my name (:
CHANTAL'S gotta blasttt !
Sunday, August 12, 2007
imagine this scenario.
your whole family attend dinner at your Uncle's place and you think it's just a plain old get-together. after dinner, you see a cake on the table and you ask what's the cake for. and your reply is that it's your Uncle's wife's birthday. all you can do is stick your hand out and wish Happy Birthday.
talk about Awkward.
but hey, at least you joined in the singing, right?
family dinners Always has a way of dragging on&on, and before you know it, time's flown by and you get the call frm your cousin threatening to kill you because you're almost an hr late to meeting him at St James Powerhouse.
so instead, we went by 7-Eleven and had a spree and decide to have a quiet Saturday night at home.
getting comfortable on the bed, Nel+Kel+El+Me were going on about how fat we're getting whilst stuffing ourselves with Maltesers, cereal and chocolate bars. yeah yeah, we know "how bad it is to eat at night." but whatever.
it tastes good.
as Nel+Kel try to get some sleep, El+Me go through my iPod, which i might add doesnt happen very often for me, because apparantly, i have "Crappy Music". neways, we start grooving on the bed to the Spice Girls. mann, it's been like, forever since we last sang along to the lines of "I'llTellYouWhatIWantWhatIReallyReallyWant".
before Britney Spears, it was all about PoshScaryGingerSportyBaby. actually, it's safe to say unlike Britney Spears, they still look kinda hot after having their children. maybe except Posh who pains me everytime i look at her what, child-size waist? but it's only fair we give her merit points for having Beckham as her husband and really good taste in clothes.
also, none of them are bald with horrible extentions.
anyways, cabbing home with Khor at the un-godly hr of 6 in the morning might have screwed up my body clock?
wait, is that what it's called ? your Body Clock. or is it Mind Clock?
so as i go to bed, my brother comes out of his room to use the computer.
let's see him get up early to go to school. ASS.
as you can probably figure out, i'm like in love with food and i think right now i'm beyond in love with Chocolate Eclairs.
do me a favour. don't tell me how much calories are in it.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
after our last Council meeting, it was decided that i'd emcee for the Teacher's Day celebration at school. so i decided to share the love with my Mum.
me: ohmygod Mummy! did i tell you? i'll be emcee-ing at school for Teacher's Day.
mummy: but you need Speech Therapy.
tell me about a massive whatever moment. she's lucky she hasn't got a girl in deep depression as a daughter. and then, we'll see how much she'll have to spend on my shrink's bills.
whatever, i'm out.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
ohmygosh, it's National Day today!
singapore is getting old. like my Mum.
LOL, it's okay, she's not going to read this. i'm kidding anyways, my Mum's a MILF.
it just hit me before that they're both the same age.
feeling patriotic, i told my Mum i loved Singapore. guess she wasn't feeling the Love i had going on, so she pffft at me.
ohmygod, it's also Kelvin Khor's Birthday.
hey Khor, you're like my brother frm another mother. LOL, it's kinda wrong considering you're with Nel, but you know what i mean. but seriously, you're like the older brother i never had and i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE you so fkn much !! you take the best care of not just Nel, but every single one of us, and i wouldn't want Nel to be with anyone else but you. andddddd, you've always always been there for me, and i know you'll continue to be just like i am for you forever+everrrrr.
anyways, i jst hope you had a good birthday today and i love you til the end of time. unless you cheat on Nel or smthg, than i'll personally cut off your balls. LOL, i'm totally kidding. and i know you love her wayyyy too much.

so, i think Wilson+Nel like, planned the whole birthday thing, and it was at Strand Hotel or smthg yesterday to celebrate Khor's birthday.
um, let me see. Khor got really drunk and went to everyone and gave a heart-to-heart talk. kinda emotional, but it was hard not to laugh when he was slurring his words. actually, i can say almost everyone was like, really high and drunk.
Daddy would be proud to know i did not have ONE SIP of alcohol, since the smell of it makes me feel sick after a Really bad experience. ughhhhhhh.
oh, and poor Cafie like slipped in the bathroom and like had the biggest freakin' bruise on her head that El+I had to massage through the night.
but all in all, it was a really good night, and i'm hoping Khor had a good 19th birthday.
OH OH. and El made the funniest comparison of Carel.
el: Carel, you're like a chocolate bar. short, fat and brown. you can call yourself MARS.
LMAO !!!
earlier in the day, met up with Mary+Ravi+Leon at Taka to like, eat i guess.
Mary+I shopped around abit, than we headed to Le Salon for her to get her hair done.
later, Ravi+Mary left for Singfest so i went to get my nails done, while waiting for Nel to arrive so we could go for dinner before Khor's birthday.
anyways, i didn't do much today. me, being the pathetic TV junkie that i am, watched a couple of One Tree Hill epsiodes. okay fine. like 10 episodes. it was all in the name of killing time, honest.
so i was like, sitting there watching TV and my Mum's on the com doing whatever she does, and because both major electronics are being used, my brother didn't know what to do. soon, he decides to make a fishing rod out of a cane and a Nokia phone charger.
me: why the hell are you trying to FISH in our living room? there's no Water or Fish?
retardofabrother: what's with the negative attitude?
thinking my brother needed a standing fan, Mummy+Me went to the plaza to get dinner and the fan. if you ask me, i think he needs mental help more than anything.
and ohmygod, the most retarded thing happened to me when i was like walking home, frm being the BESTEST sister and buying my brother his stupid Macca's-20-piece-McNugget-Setmeal but only to go home and find that he finished all the eclairs my Mum bought a mere 10 mins ago. ASSHOLE. but that's not it. okay, so there i was walking home, right? and like right before going on the dirtpath, 2 cats out of NOWHERE like runs out in front of me, and i'm like TERRIFIED of cats [even though my aunt has like 13. don't ask me what she's thinking]. so like the first cat keeps running, but the second one stops and like stares at me and i'm like standing there not sure if i shld stand there and pretend to be a pole or smthg, or like walk really fast home. i decide on the latter, but the thought of that stupid cat chasing behind me with its claws or whatever made me run home.
and, i don't run. I HATE RUNNING.
CHANTAL'S gotta boot!