Sunday, September 30, 2007
i have a plan.
the plan is that instead of Planning to study, i actually Will study today for 10 hours STRAIGHT.
okay, maybe not Straight. but like, 10 hrs regardless.
the week at school went by fairly faster than it would normally, probably because it was much fun-ner than usual.
a bunch of us helped out with some photoshoot thing to promote our school.
ahahahahaha. for the last shoot or smthg, they gave us a set of Cap and Gown to wear cause they wanted us to portray graduation, i guess.
I've never actually like, seen a real one before then and it reall is ALOT warmer to be in it than it it looks. we were like, all sweating pretty badly.
kind rank. ugh.
so yeah that was school.
this was one AwkwardAss shoot, but like, Thank effin God it was just Bray.
Material Girls is on TV now, and ohmygod. i havent seen worst acting by two people together before.
i mean, i like Hilary Duff. she was cute in Lizzie McGuire, and her released songs arent all that bad and her movies were you know, Okay. but this has got to be her worst movie, by far.
neways. on Friday, Marie+Nicole+I had dinner at Thai Express, and ohmygod. the coconut icecream with red rubbies is like, SOSUPER good.
like, SO GOOD.
after dinner, we went shopping for like 10 mins, but soon ended up with frappacinos sitting at Starbucks talking&talking&talking.
and, reminincing on primary school days is such a blast.
we also agreed that pool parties were the FUN-NEST of them all. and seriously. who cared how they looked in a swimming costume when they were like, 11.
it didnt matter if you had love handles or like, a fat stomach, it was all the same and everyone had just as much fun.
we than cringed when we rmbed the BADBAD clothes we wore during Sec 1.
oh, So Gross.
on Saturday, Bernie+I went shopping.
and, i experienced the Worst wardrobe malfunction i've ever had in my WholeEntireLife.
i like, nearly died. thank God it was like, not that noticeable.
moving on to better memories.
oh, and i was starving and craved Subway so bad, so we went to Lido. firstly to sort out my wardrobe malfunction, and secondly, get some grub.
bloody workers at Subway were SO awful.
they told me the bread was in the oven and that i had to wait another 25 mins for it to be baked, and i went back like 20 mins later to check if it was going to be ready shortly, and than the stupid person woman working there was like, You were here 5 mins ago and we told you it wasn't going to be ready. Come back in 20 mins.
i was like, Whatttt.
and she was just so mean. like, seriously. like, Hello? I AM the CUSTOMER, and i'm like trying to order some food frm there and there they are, being effin' horrible and rude.
i walked back, and decided on KFC.
and i got my meal within minutes.
the ppl at Subway were probably going to spit into my bread anyway.
so, whatever.
it was so funny. both Bernie+I were carrying these paper bags with the things we bought, and somehow they got mixed up, and i ended up leaving with her bags which had her wallet, mobile, everything, and she had mine which had my clothes.
i was like, there sitting at the bus stop opposite Dhobby waiting for another bus to go back into town, and i was about to put on my cardigan, and i realised all the bags that were sitting by my feet belonged to Bernie. i was like, OMYGOD. what's going on?
i took my mobile out to ring Bernie than i realised her mobile was in the bag next to my feet.
so i was just sitting there, gasping to myself, and i look up and see Bernie like, speed walking over.
OHOH. and on the way home, i saw a night market right near my house, and it's been forever since i last had those coconut jelly and i went and bought 5.
it was SO heavy. like, workout.
i didnt think how out of the way that night market was, so i had to like walk this stupid distance to get back, in the way. or whatever.
but, it was all worth it.
it's already almost 4 and 10 hrs frm now will be 2am. so i really shld go study now to put my plan into action (:
Monday, September 24, 2007
my brother is a JOKE.
he came home with a new haircut, and maybe he was hoping i wouldnt notice it, or in his wilder dreams, that i might, maybe, just MAYBE compliment him on it.
like i said, in his wilder dreams.
i started laughing the second he stepped into the house. in fact. i started laughing at him when i saw him at the lift, and laughed my way up 8 floors and all the way into our house and possibly for another hr.
it's so Ugly, it's FUGLY.
it looks like, he Purposely left his sideburns to grow over a year, and got a mullet. HAHAHAH.
yeah, a MULLET. `Holly, you can throw up now.
he needs to go back like, 20 years for that be in fashion.
bad bad time.
he did a pretty good job of acting like it didnt affect him, until i woke up to my Mum commenting to how ugly it was.
i got out of bed in a hurry to see if what i was hearing was a dream.
it wasn't. it was the reality happening in my living room.
marcel: Mum, you need to give me $25 since that's how much it cost for my haircut.
mummy: it's so ugly. what a waste of my money.
"SHOTDOWN!" and i quote the victim himself.
last weekend was like, parent overload.
both parents decided to arrive back in Singapore on the same day.
my Dad on Saturday morning, and my Mum in the afternoon.
neways. it was settled I'd spend Saturday with my Mum, and Sunday with my Dad.
Mummy+Chai+I went to Tony Roma's for dinner, and instead of joining my Mum+I for a movie, my brother joined his friends after dinner.
we took half a dozen other pictures, but i looked like an OBESE-EFFIN'-COW IN A DRESS.
i shld go throw up now.
we decided on No Reservations, and after buying our tickets, who else would be bump into but Chanel+Emi+Carel+Kel ?
LMAO. it was SO funny.
like, Mum meet Chanel, Carel and Emilio. Oh, and this is Kelvin.
it wasnt like, That awkward. not for me anyways. Kel thought it was fkn awkward, even though my Mum didn't even know who he was but okay.
than, she wasted like an hr at Lucky Plaza haggling for a discount for her potential iPod Classic and a set of speakers, and before i knew it, we were walking back to Lido. and we didn't even do any real shopping.
No Reservations was like, an okay movie. it was like, slow and sweet, i guess.
me: Mum, that was like your age group's movie. slow and stuff.
mummy: what do you mean my age group? and by the way, i want to watch Bourne Ultimatum.
on Sunday morning, or afternoon i shld say, Mummy brought back food frm Ikea, and ohmygod, the Daim Cake is like, SO GOOD.
neways. it was our Aunt's birthday on Sunday too (=
even though we've never called her like, Aunty or whatever cause she's wayyyy too young.we had dinner at like, some restaurant without the A/C and went back to our Uncle's place to have the cake cut.the cake was kinda destroyed though.
whatev. it still tasted like, good-freakin'-cake.
ohmygod, Emi is like, SO SUPER CUTE.
AW. they're all so SUPER CUTE.
hahaha, look at Daddy (=
except our Uncle. he is RETARDED.
OhMyGoddd. he's SOOO gorgeous.
i would SO eat him if he wasnt alive.
everything is going fine, and Nel plays rough with Emi again, but this time, he like stumbles backwards, and BOUNCES off Carel and like trips over his toys and full falls against the TV cabinet.
LMAO. okay, it's not like funny out little cousin fell, but it's hilarious that he BOUNCED off my little sister.
i mean, he BOUNCED off her.
the dumbass A/C in my room has stopped working AGAIN, and it's only getting fixed this Saturday so i crashed in my Mum's room last night.
i like her room, actually. and i'm starting to Prefer sleeping in her room than my own.
the thing is. eveytime my Mum leaves for wherever she leaves for, i'm crashing in her room everynight.
is it just me or is like our Mum's things just better than ours ?
like, their wardrobe. their bed. their choice in Almost everything. their bank balances.
why else would we always go through their makeup when we're little or like, practice walking in their stilettoes when we're younger ?
like, when i was younger and when we went to restaurants, i'd order my food and end up eating my Mum's.
it's weird. anything that's theirs was just, Better.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
math tuition isn't really smthg i look forward to, but this is definately the first time a tutor has cancelled tution 3 times over 2 weeks.
when my brother heard about what was going on, this is what he said-
marcel: what does she think is going on? does she think we're paying her to use our internet and drink our Ribena?
this is a rare moment he speaks normal-ppl English. other times, he comes up with crap which he puts together into a sentence.
like the time when i asked him how does he not get tired.
me: don't you get tired? you sleep late, get up early and never have naps.
marcel: you know why? it's because i have no soul.
me: what? no soul?
marcel: yes, and strength is my only weakness.
see what i mean?
crap put together into a sentence.
neways. i really shld go do my awfully- over dued Media assignment.
Monday, September 17, 2007
our site is so super pretty ! Bern got round to doing the layout, and it's like all Pink and Pretty.
and even with glitter.
sosuper pretty.
and, did i mention how much more i prefer Blogger to LiveJournal ?
so freakin' glad we changed back.
neways. don't get confused. it's-
so, i spent the weekend at Daddy's and once again brought my heavyass- hugeass bag stacked with schoolbooks and i ended up writing like, 3 lines of notes.
studying is like, not smthg that can be done when i'm at my Dad's.
i'll have Carel on my left offering to give me all her coloured pens one second, and telling me she's hungry the next. and i'll be going into the room, and find El watching One Tree Hill, and i'll get distracted and end up sitting my ass down for an hour, and it'll be dinner time, and we'll all go get food and come back sitting our asses back in front of the computer laughing at stupid ppl who make a fool out of themselves on YouTube.
seriously though. YouTube is like, HILARIOUS.
you get wackjobs who film themselves doing the dumbest things.
take Steven Lim, for example.
man, i crack up just typing his name out.
he's got like, half a dozen videos of himself bagging XiaXue out in his horribly broken English claiming he is "ham-sem" [he means Handsome, if you don't get it], criticising and commenting sarcastically on what she writes on her blog, in once again, his horribly broken English. his videos are authentic homemade, and he doesn't even try to make it seem the slightest bit professional. someone walks into his room and he starts yelling&swearing in hokkien.
he'll also dance to Michael Jackson topless and swings his wifebeater around his head.
don't believe me?
search Steven Lim on and you'll see all of that yourself.
OH OH. one line he said is a freakin' classic.
we all know XiaXue went for a nose job on national TV, so i guess this is Steven Lim's way of giving us his two cents worth.
Steven Lim: XiaXue! Without you nose, you are Dust. YOU ARE DUSTY.
i was like, whattttt ?
i dont think he really understands there's a difference between Dust and Dusty. maybe he thinks it works the same way Less and Lesser does.
if that isnt enough to convince you to go on YouTube.
search OBSESSED Crying Britney Spears fan.
so, this Blonde eye-liner wearing guy with really bad dyed hair named Chris Crocker is the Obsessed Crying Britney Spears fan.
in half the video, he's screaming at the camera asking the papparazi to leave Britney Spears the hell alone, and that we should be appreaciative that Britney even performed for us on International TV at the MTV awards.
honestly, i wished i didn't turn on MTV at that point of time when they showed the ad for the MTV Awards and saw a scantily dressed Britney Spears dancing on stage.
all i'm worried now is not being able to swallow my next meal.

that should be More than Enough reasons to go on YouTube now.
okay, i need to go to bed now so i won't "waltz into class late", as Bernie has put it ever so nicely.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
i'm guessing you know that i am a total retard when it comes to like, editting html or like, fixing up the layout and that kind of thing.
so Bernie basically set up the whole site, and she uploaded some of her items last night onto the new site. except, when i tried uploading, and it Didn't Work !
ohmygoddd. i So hate LiveJournal. i don't understand anything of their toolbar thing that they've got.
so, Bern's being a total sweetheart and we're changing it back to Blogger.
i'm SOOO sorry about the confusion and everything !
okay. the new site is done and created.
it's officially-
awesomejunk was already taken, so whatever.
fabulous is better-er.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
it's up. it's up.
Bernie did the layout and all for our site and it's up and running!
the link is.
technically, we haven't posted any clothes up yet, but we will SOON.
promise. well, i know i will soon.
neways, last night was Rachel's&Tasha's birthday thingie at MacDonald's.
i'd say it was really fun, but i wouldn't know cause i was like, 2 hrs late and arrived when the were leaving.
the whole group of them then left for Lido for a movie, and i went home cause i had that eeky vomittie feeling ? you know that GROSS feeling?
i always get it randomly.
oh, and less than minimal pictures were taken.
and a few more beyond un-flattering ones.
neways, i need to go like, set up our NEW store blog site thing.
whatever it's called.
Friday, September 14, 2007
OHOH !! smthg REALLY exciting is going to happen !
and no, my Mum isn't getting married to some Arabian Prince who's like a multi-billionaire, and neither is she flying me first class to LA just for giggles.
how cool is thattt?
okay, fineee. it's not as cool as having your Mum get married to a multi-billionaire or fly first class to LA just for giggles, but it IS kinda cool.
i'm like, super excited.
we were like, shopping online and then it hit us how much clothes we have in our wardrobes that we never wear. well, i know half wardrobe are pilled with clothes i haven't worn in the last like, 6 mths. and i read somewhere that if you have clothes you haven't worn in that amount of time, you're probably never going to wear them again.
i just spent the last hr going through all of them clothes, and yeah that would be right.
ALSO, while going through my wardrobe, i realised the metal pole that all my hangers well. hang, is like bent down in the middle. so i think i might just move my Mum's clothes into my wardrobe, and move my clothes into her walk- in, since it's not fair she has a walk-in when she's like, hardly here.
it's like, hitting two birds with a stone. oh wait, is it catching?
whatev it is, you know what i mean.
oh, we haven't really created the actual blog yet, but once it's up and running, i'll update it like, Straight Away.
anyways, school work is just like, pilling and pilling and pilling up.
and we got our exam timetables 2 days ago.
fun fun fun.
ugh. shoot me.
no, don't really.
ohmygod, i was going through Lauren's myspace, and i realised that they had their formal this yr and it was like so weird, cause it feels like last yr's formal just happened. and Lauren+I were having the BESTEST BESTEST time dancing to silly songs like, Barbie Girl and My Humps. and surprise surprise, Wbb was a stunner, as usual.
it's so weird. like even though, it feels like everything that happened in Melbourne feels like it just happened, it's like... another life.
ohmygod. okay, now i'm just stressing my brain out.
Last yr's
This yr's
Wbb being Ab-fkn-lutely Stunning !
ahahahahaha. Lauren.Tim.
CHANTAL'S gotta boot !
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
today was my second day back at school, except it wouldn't really be counted since i like only attended one lesson. at least i went though, right?
and before you think i skipped. i didn't. i had super horrible leg cramps i didn't know what to do, so i went for a massage.
neways, what is the deal with freaks popping up everywhere around me?
after Ben&Jerry's with Becca, i was at the bus stop waiting to go home, and this random guy who says he is frm Taiwan asked me for directions.
so, i think: I don't know why you chose me, but i'll help if i can.
and than he goes on to ask if i knew what a Social Escort was. i was like, totally blanking out so i was like, No. and he starts explaining it to me, like how the usually get paid $500- $600 a day, that they brought tourists around and how he thought Singapore had a ton of them.
Like i tour guide? i asked.
and he just smiled.
so, like i get on my bus. and it hit me really hard what he was going on about.
don't get me wrong, i'm not stupid, i know what an escort is. it's just a nice word for a hooker. the whole Social bit just threw me off.
so i get my Mum on the phone and she explains it to me.
me: Mummy, is a Social Escort the same as an Escort?
mummy: why?
me: because some guy was talking to me about it.
mummy: WHAT? WHAT GUY?
me: i don't know. some guy at the bus stop.
mummy: girl, a Social Escort is a more glamorous prostitute who gets paid more-
me: i know. he told me they get paid $500- $600 a day. oh, they're glamorous?
mummy: yeah. they accompany businessmen for the night and they get paid more if they end up having sex.
me: oh, EEEWWWLLL.
mummy: please don't talk to strangers anymore.
me: no, i thought he just needed directions.
mummy: okay. why would anyone ask you for directions?
yeah, thanks alot Mummy! that's totally the lesson learnt today.
also, i'd like to think that guy was simply explaining to me what a Social Escort was and not offering me a job.
anyways, guess this this the crap that makes life... interesting?
oh, who am i kidding ?
LOL. Aunty brought the whole Choo family minus Daddy+Chai to dinner at Sushi Tei the other night, and it was so funny when Cafie had to get up and started pacing around cause she needed to digest some food before she could stuff herself with more.
it was even funnier when Nel+Cafie were communicating in Chinese because Aunty refused to get them both anymore food, and they wanted more dessert even though they already had some.
cafie [in Chinese]: we need $2.80
aunty [in Thai]: she can't finish her food, can she?
nel [in English]: no, she wants more.
oh, and a few more pictures of Kel acting drag. or gay. cross-dresser. whatever.
he takes his shot at playing Twiggy.
ahahaahahaha, YEAH.
CHANTAL'S off now!
Friday, September 7, 2007
it's almost 11 on a Friday night, and Nel+Kel+I are at home doing housework.
ohmygod, how odd does that sound?
no, but yes that is what is happening. well, Nel took on the duty of vaccumming, and Kel is doing the dishes. i took on the duty of mopping, so i'll have to get to that once Nel is done. the sole reason why this is happening, is becase tmr, my StepMum+Elfie+Carel will be getting home frm China and if my StepMum comes home to a pigsty, we won't hear the end of it. so... here we are. at home on a Friday night doing housework.
fun fun fun.
oh, and it may also be because the three of us have spent basically all our allowance on food. like, i know it sounds super stupid, but it's true. we really did spend all of our allowance on food. staying with Nel+Kel means being Full 24/7. there hasn't been a second where it's like, Damn i havent had anything to eat. because it wouldn't happen. even when you're Not hungry, you're eating. the second meaning to that would be piling on the weight and going back to school heftier.
what a blast.
guess i'm no longer needed for moping since Nel thinks it won't be clean if i were to do it.
okay, so i admit i'm not the Best at housework, but i can clean a tabletop til it shines.
and my ambition was to be a housewife. no joke. i used to Want to be a housewife. like, the kind that does nothing but Clean&Clean&Clean.
that kinda changed as i grew older and it doesn't help that Kelvin tells me, I'm useless at housework.
i'm so not useless. and that time when i left the cloth on the toaster and toasted some waffle that left a big fat hole in the cloth was pure accident. how the hell was i supposed to know that i had to take the cloth off first ?
one thing i really dislike doing is cooking. it's so annoying. you have to stand over a hot stove and like cook these raw things and than clean up after that. Nel loves cooking. she's always cooking us food when we're hungry. i used to like doing the dishes. i know, righttt? what the hell? than i stopped liking it when i had to do uncountable amounts of dishes back when i was waitressing in Melbourne. and it did not help that the stupid hot soapy water would seep under my acrylics.
if we didn't eat non-stop, we'd probably have abs by the end of this week frm all the laughing.
Kel is so super retarded and yes, Hilarious. he's now teaching Nel+I one Mixed Martial Arts move everyday for self-defense.
he also enjoys walking aound the house with his butt showing, til i hit it really hard with a hanger that shld now be thrown out. he also broke our bathroom door which he is making me the blame for, and the chair i am currently sitting on. all in the name of Annoyance.
i kid. i love Kel to death. he is the Best brother frm another mother anyone could ask for.
he too enjoys rapping and dancing, and feels he is 13% nigger.
kel: u look like a spring chicken frm the back. a fried one.
see? food again.
okay, to show a more Artistic side of Kelvin Khor. he did this for Nel.
last night, Nel+Kel+Mo+Bryan+Gen+Van+Ciwei+Myself met up for dinner at some chicken rice place in like Little India. ohmygod, how freakin' good is Barley? it's like, SO GOOD.
neways, after that we walked to Plaza Sing for a movie and OHMYGOD, I Know Who Killed Me was showing, and it was like, YAYYYY for Nel+I.
okay, yes i admit Lindsay is kinda trashy and slutty, but she's like, So freakin' hotttt.
and it was a super good movie. i loveloveloveloveloved it.
it's a thriller, but there were certan scenes that just cracked me up sooo baddd.
but other than that, it was really like, thrilling.
my conquest of making Nel addicted to One Tree Hill is so totally working.
we've been watching it til 6 in the morning and Nel loves it.
ohmygod, Nel the bitch just started it without me.
i'm out.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
i wish someone would invent like, a pill or smthg that allowed you to eat ALL YOU WANT and you wouldn't get full. like, At All.
wouldn't that be the Best Thing Everrrr ? like, being able to eat all you want and NOT get full. and if, that same someone could also invent an "along-side" pill that stopped you from getting fat would be a Bonus. but seriously, how awesome would it be to have a pill to make u not full and you could eat all you want?
than you wouldnt get that sick feeling you get when you keep stuffing yourself with the amazing food you have in front of you. and the only reason why you're stuffing yourself is because you got full.
okay, i'm going on about crap. but the more i think about it, the more i think it would be amazing.
i would so totally invent it if i were any good at Sciences.
neways. so much for the one week holidays.
extra classes have been arranged frm Mon- Thurs, so i guess seeing as i'm a little behind in Biology, it'd be the Smart Choice to attend these extra classes.
and, Chantal is all about making Smart Choices.
i'm so going to show that Annoying Aunt of mine that Chantal is not a Fkn bimbo and she's going to have to shove it up her ass when i get like, REALLY GOOD grades for my exams.
mann, i don't even need to prove anything to her, but just to have it all blow up in her face, i will. just for kicks and the look of her face when she realises i'm like, SMART.
double BITCH.
today is like, my first day i'm staying at my Dad's since my StepMum+Elfie+Carel been to China. Nel's just had Khor keep her company the last couple of days since my Mum's been in town, but she left this afternoon, so i was getting all excited for like a slumber party.
me: NEL! I'M SO EXCITED! it'll be like a Slumber Party! but... a party for 2... PARTY OVER HERE!! PARTY OVER HERE!!
nel: don't think it's a party, i tell you! you're helping me with the housework.
... and i thought i was the Older Sister.
neways, we decided to go to Jalan Kayu for dinner and we got Kel to drive us there.
and, Nel was like FULL PANICKING in the car which was so not helpful and the tank was like practically empty, but we realised we couldnt go fill it up because if my StepMum left it almost empty before she left, it'd be Wayyyy weird of she came back home and it was half full.
like, DUH.
and my plan for the next few days is get Nel addicted to One Tree Hill the way i am, so than we can have this whole extra bonding experience.
i really shld go as Kel just farted and this area is starting to smell really bad.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
family dinners on my Mum's side are usually fine with me, but recently, they've kinda been a drag.
before leaving for dinner, my brother bet me money that our Aunt would lecture my Mum on the way she brought us up.
dinner went fine, but as it was ending, my Aunt who i'm totally pretty much hating right now started going on&on&on at me, and it was SO ANNOYING.
there i was having a conversation with my Mum and she butts in, saying i'm being an ungrateful daughter who doesn't appreciate what my Mum has done for me and calling me a bimbo and saying how she doesn't understand why i'm planning for Uni when i'm not even doing well at school, and i tell her i scored 80s and 70s for the last couple of tests in school, and she's saying how by Singapore Standards, that's crap! and if i want to go to Uni, i shld start working and saving my own money so i can pay for it.
and than i start swearing, and she threatens to not send me home unless i apologise, and Are You CRAZZY? i didn't even do Anything. no way in hell was i going to apologise.
so i walk off and my Mum us yelling at me to get back there and i'm like, NO!
anyways, Whateverrrr. my Grandma than trained home with me cause i didn't have ANY money on me. well, i didn't think i'd be in that situation before leaving for dinner.
stupid Aunt of mine. oh, and she made my Mum gang up with her against me so now my Mum is like, annoying me too.
anyways, let's move onto like, happier times in my life.
LOL. Bernnnnnn. hmmm, what can i say about her ?
she's... Nice ? ahahaha, i'm kidding.
Bern's gorgeous, and really Special. she can really surprise ppl with how well she understands html and she uses big words in her English essays i don't understand. all this and at the same time, super retarded. LOL. no, but school wouldn't be the same if she wasn't there and even though half the time she's with Brian, school is a blast with her being herself which is also spastic, which cracks me up.
and she's Always Always sooooo generous and has the biggest heart<33
i love you B-ernieeeee !
in the evening, a whole bunch of us had dinner at Thai Express to celebrate Bernie's birthday (=
that was yesterday which was also Teacher's Day at school.
the day started off pretty badly actually.
first of all, i was super late to school cause there were NO FREAKIN' CABS. i waited and waited and waited, and i practically walked half way to school, and by the time i arrived at school, Becca tells me how mad my teacher is cause i was kinda supposed to be helping give out the Best Teacher's Awards but i was too late and they delayed it as much as they could but in the end, they had to get someone else.
ohmygod, thank God i wasn't emcee-ing [they said since i emceed at Chinese New Year's celebration, others shld be given a chance. whatever], or i'd be like, kicked out of Council on the spot.
OH OH! after dinner, i went down to AMK Hub to meet my cousins, Max+Alexis, for a movie. it's kinda cool, really. you leave Singapore for like 3 years, and new little malls pop up everywhere. we saw Ratatouille, which was so not on my I Wanna Watch Movie List, but since they were shouting me, who was i to complain, and it was actually pretty good and kinda funny.
anyways, this whole, Not Getting Enough Sleep thing is getting to me, so i'm off now.
CHANTAL'S gotta blastttt !