Tuesday, October 30, 2007
have you ever like, thought of smthg Really funny that happened when you're by yourself and like, start laughing to yourself ? and, Not silently.
it Always happens to me, but i try to like, make it not obvious. cause like, it's a little nutty.
i did it again today when i was at Toys R Us looking for like, fake vampire teeth, and saw all the SUPER DUPERRRR cuteeeeee kid costumes and like imagined little kids in them.
ohmygoddddddd. so cute!
and i forgot that i was in a public place with other shoppers. and i started laughing to myself, and the lady behind me just like turned around really creepy like there was some pycho behind her.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. it was so embarrassing. i didn't know what to do.
i just gestured at the costumes and she gave me this really like, fake small smile and walked off.
i so dont care.
so anyways. i think Halloween is like, the one excuse you have to be REALLY REALLY fugly and unglam.
like, sometimes, you know how you get up and have really bad hair days? like your hair is like, so limp and lifeless, and no matter how much you backcomb, the volume still doesnt like, come? or when, you have ugly days and no matter when you do or try, you still look really ugly?
well. i think Halloween is amazing for that reason. you can go as smthg really ugly and ppl will think you're wearing an ugly costume. which you are, but i mean if you're having a bad hair/face day, that totally helps!
okay, this is getting a little stupid.
ahahahahhahahahah, i was on the phone to Holly about Halloween costumes.
holly: maybe i could go as a Musician.
me: yeah!... but wait.... what do musicians wear?
holly: ummmmm. tattered and torn clothes.
me: NO! that's what hobos wear.
i guess my friend, Holly cant tell the difference betwen musicians and hobos.
moving on.
i got all my exam results back today!
ahahahahahhahahhha. i managed to pass ALL my subjects!
i'm just happy i passed.
okay, that's a lie. i Really wanted to do well.
okay, i didn't manage to finish my English, Math and Media papers but other than those, i SOOOOO studied for Bio, okay!
and like, i could so answer all my questions frm the paper!
and i like, got a C for it.
neways. Mandy passed me the CD that contained the pictures we took for our school yonks ago.
they're SO hilarious.
i think i look like a fucking idiot.
No, i DO NOT normally look at Amet like this.
like, NOT EVER.
oh.my.god. that bag is like, SO ugly it's not funny.
Bray's a pisser.
Mr Alan isnt Really a chem teacher.
bernnnnn. "i cant breathe"
and rmb how i was going on about the graduatin cap&gown?
okay, i'm sitting for my little second cousin really early tmr so i need some sleeeeppp.
Friday, October 26, 2007
okay, i'm all for helping save the environment, and since it's not like i can claim cab fares frm my Mum because of her absence to drop me off or pick me up whenever, i'm usually either on the train or the bus.
i've grown to like taking public transport. as long as i get a seat. otherwise, it's just annoying to stand for that 20 mins or so.
there are however, instances when public transport annoys the crap out of me. okay, actually, it's the ppl of Singapore that take public transport that annoy the crap out of me.
for example, just today when i was training back to town frm Paya Lebar cause Holly's Jessica Simpson perfume arrived and i went to pass it to her, this stupid bitch in ugly Guess heels, who cant even balance herself properly STEPS on my toes.
i was like, OWWWW!!
and all she could do was whimper, Sorry and give me a stupid smile. i automatically smiled back. damn it, i so regret that smile. why in my right mind would i smile back at the bitch who stumbled onto my toes in her ugly Guess heels? guess it's cause i'm genuinely Nice. like, how do you Not smile when someone smiles at you, right?
but thinking back, i shld have just kicked her real hard in the shin so she drops to her knees and definately WILL NOT be prancing around her in stupid ugly Guess heels and possibly cause more damage to more innocent ppl's toes.
that's just one example.
also today, i finally find a seat on the train and i sit, and after like 8 mins, there's this like, Pungent smell that came out of nowhere. i couldnt tell if it was the person on my right who farted or it was the person on my left who did.
whateverrrrr, it was so gross.
OR. like the time when i was on the train, and this like 50-smthg yr old dude sat right next to me when the whole carriage was basically Empty and he reaked SOOOOOO SUPER bad of cheap bourbon.
but the thing that Annoys me SOO fucking bad is when you find a seat and sit down, the middle-aged man, whose Dirtyass toenails in fugly rubber slippers on the opposite row of seats who obviously dont get enough sex frm their partners, or their daily dosage of porn, they stare right at your chest.
it's like, Take a Picture. It lasts Longer.
it's SOOOOO annoying and yeah, kinda disgusting.
you know what else annoys me?
okay, i'm sorry this post is turning out to be such a Bitch Fest. but whatever. actually, no i'm not sorry. i get to blog about whatever i want.
i'll keep bitching.
Clear Bra Straps.
they Annoyyyy me SOOO much, it's frustrating.
okay, LIKE their name- CLEAR bra straps? they're CLEAR. not invisible. just because you wear clear bra straps with like, a tube top or smthg doesnt mean ppl can't see them. and, what so bad about having your Normal bra strap showing, just as long it's not like, Granny-looking. or even better, how does a STRAPLESS bra sound? if you can change the straps on your normal bra, it's obvious the straps can be taken off, right? so why dont you just leave the straps off?
and this isn't new, but haven't you heard of those Silicone Bras?
okay, fair enough. they dont work for every outfit, trust me. but, if you were going to wear smthg like fitted and strapless, they totally work.
ohmygosh. you know what's worse than clear bra straps? clear bra straps with DESIGN on them.
it's like, Shoot.Me.In.The.Fucking.Head.Right.Now.
hmmmmmm. okay, i feel alot better now. i'm done with my Bitch Fest for the evening.
so in the afternoon, i met Aunty+Cafie+Nel at Far East cause Nel was getting i think, her final fittings on her prom dress and adding in her final ideas.
thann. i met Bern at Orchard MRT cause she was passing me the Jessica Simpson products i ordered for myself, which can i say, is so AWESOME!
i ordered the lip gloss and the chocolate body gloss thing. and cause i didnt want to appear like a nutcase on the bus licking my own arms, i waited til i got home to TASTE the body gloss, and it tastes just like Mocha. and don't get me started on the lip gloss. it's SO divine.
and as i said earlier, i trained to Paya Lebar to pass Holly her Creme Brulee perfume which also smells delicious, but i didn't get to taste it cause Holly had to rush back to work.
ahahahahahhaha. it's like, Holly and i dont see each other for like 4&half years, and i feel like i'm seeing her everyday now.
we're so totally making up for lost time, Hols<3
i say everyday cause i saw her yesterday too during her lunchbreak. AW. and we realised we missed both each other's birthdays this yr ): but Holly being sweet pre-invited me to hers next yr. gee, thanks!
OHOH! ohmygoshhh. it was SO funny.
i was online earlier, and BOTH my parents were too, and since there wasnt anyone else i'd normally chat with, i typed them both an Instant Message, and they took so long to reply.
my Mum did first though.
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
why do u take so long to reply?
joejlersen says:
i saw the no entry sign on your name and reckon you are busy... hehehe...
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
it's not the NO ENTRY sign, it's the busy sign
joejlersen says:
oh...whatever....my first time and I don't even know how I got into this chatting thingy....mummy is such a geek when it comes to such things...can I post my pic up next to the smiling face???
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
joejlersen says:
will try it later...gonna pack up and go to the gym..unlike you, take the easy way out...lazy and pudgy..lol...
[she's totally being sour because she's a complete "geek" when it comes to changing her display pic. LMAO!]
joejlersen says:
go sweat it out and tone up your muscles if you have any....hehehe...how is your selling coming along?? don't you dare sell my stuff??? bought quite alot of nice dresses frm bangkok...
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
did u buy loads of stuff for me? (=
joejlersen says:
yeah if you can wear them...okie..mummy gotta go now to the gym and driving range...love you...
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
oh, HAHA. funny mother funny.
Bern, now you know why i'm just a retard when it comes to technology.
` speaking of which, I i BANKED MY FIRST AMOUNT LAST NIGHT !
now it's Daddy's shot at cracking me up.
❤chantal too phat for fashion. said:
kelvin says:
Hi Jie....
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
kelvin says:
Who's in the pix with you? Holly?
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
yeah, it's me and holly
kelvin says:
Is she still your bestie?
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
yes, Daddy, she is still me "bestie"
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
neways. GUESS WHAT I DID?!?!?!?
kelvin says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
i just bought 3 scrap books instead of boards to start my collection!!!
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
smart right??!?!
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
cause scrap books are more convinient to bring around
kelvin says:
Yeah but what about the show-off of carryin your board around?
[okay, fine. i told him i didnt mind using boards for the pictures and that i'd look more Professional when i bring on the board the plane. what? I WILL, okay!]
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
❤chantal too phat for fashion. says:
i bet u are laughing at ur own joke now, right?
kelvin says:
[he SO was. i just know it.]
it's SO not my fault i'm not the funniest person alive.
it's totally in the genes.
neways, i think i'm going to bed early cause Nel rang me at bloody 11 in the morning to wake me up.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
the plan for this morning was to study Media.
so i get up and everything, and i Wikipedia Media&Society and it returns with a thousand and one different topics, and i'm like Screw This.
Media is all about being creative, and i'm toally going to let my "creative" side run wild this exam. and by wild, i mean, as wild as a hamster running on a hamster wheel.
it's funny though, ppl are usually like, Academically Inclined, or Musically Inclined or Artistically Inclined.
okay, well Acedemically Inclined would be out looking at the way i went with my Math paper. Musically, i can proudly say Kelvin has claimed that i am the WORST singer he's ever heard and feels like dying when i sing in the car. thanks alot! anddddd. Artistically. hmmmm. seeing that both my parents design a fair bit, and Nel being really good at art, and Marcel full loving it. i think that gene might have skipped me too. like, all through primary school Art&Craft, all i did was outline and colour in, and i'd beg my Mum every single week to draw for me.
yeah, i was That bad.
i'm really really really good at spending money though. so that's got to count for something, right?
OHOH. you know what i think is Creative?
how a bisexual girl can turn her sexuality into a TV Show by trying to find The One.
Tila Tequila.
WHO hasn't heard of Tila Tequila?
okay, Bernie, you can raise your hand.
go like, Google her or smthg. and searches would come back with her most probably half naked.
she's got this new TV Show on MTV called A Shot at Love.
it has 11 straight guys fighting over her. think that's fun? add in another 11 pure huge knockers, long hair, lipstick, Man- Hating lesbians ALSO fighting over her.
now that's fun. it's like watching 11 testosterone- filled animals literally, fight each other for Little Miss TT, and another 11 Very sexually- active girls walking around in bikinis seducing TT.
it's stereotypical TV Trash, but i like TV Trash.
so i was telling Holly bout it, right?
me: OHOH! Ohmygod, have you heard of Tila Tequila?
holly: YES! who hasn't?
me: yeah, anyways, she's got a new TV Show.
holly: about what? being a whore?
okay, maybe Whore-ish.
but you gotta admit, she's entertaining/
so anyways, after my Bio paper yesterday, i met Holly in town.
ahhhhhahahahahah, the retard of a friend i have got a new piercing.
it's really like, cute and all, but the fool that she is, went to have sushi after being specifically told she wasn't allowed to the next day. and thinking she would make things better, she bought pineapple. like, HELLO? pineapple is like, super acidic. oh, actually. she CHOSE pineapple Over watermelon.
i told her she looked like Duffy Duck. i kid i kid.
at least, she looked like a Pretty She-Duffy Duck.
no, i'm totally kidding! it looks fine, and you can barely tell. honest!
SillyBilly finally had a smart idea and decided to "treat" herself to ice cream, since she was in "oh so much pain". HAHA. whatever.
she was SO taunting me on purpose. but whatever, i'm getting use to this whole Diet Thing.
i've officially been on it for like 9 days now. and i've NEVER, i repeat, NEVER kept to a diet for more than like, half a day.
i was told i was allowed to have it as my once a week "treat", so i did. and anyways, it was 95% Fat Free.
OHMYGODDDDD. holly totally reminded me the last time we had ice cream and what happened.
okay, we got some ice cream at Wheelock, well i got some ice cream at Wheelock, right? and was walking and like having my ice cream super happily and minding my own business and we ended up being at Taka outside the Louis Vuitton boutique and i think, Holly was saying smthg about the Suhali collection in the window display, and this IDIOT OF A WOMAN walks straight into me. or, my ice cream i shld say and goes, OW!
OW?! like, hello? SHE WALKED INTO ICE CREAM. how "OW" can it be?
and she started rubbing at her ear to show she was in pain. i think the ice cream must have went straight through her ear and into her brian and gave her a brain freeze. what an idiot. so, i take a look at my ice cream, and that bitch took such a big chunk of my ice cream off, and i wasn't even half way through it yet. i threw the whole thing away since i didnt want to spend another 30 mins eating some idiot's ear wax.
CHANTAL'S gotta boot!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
this is un-fkn-believeable. my dumbass of a laptop like, DIED on me. it DIED. like, it DIED. i can't stress it enough, my Lappie Died.
okay, i'm just super annoyed because it's like, not even three mths old and it dies on me.
so the bloody thing was playing up so i like, try to shut it down and like restart it. so i leave it and went to like, wash my hands or smthg. neways. this NOISE comes out of the bloody laptop. wait, not a noise. like, a bloody siren, and i'm not even joking. it was SOOO loud, i thought we had a fire alarm in the house i didn't know about, and started looking for smoke.
my brother says it's because it's "Overheated", but he's usually full of crap, so i ring Bernie and have her ask her brother what the problem was. turns out it really was "Overheated". so leave it turned off and take a nap and when i got up, i had high hopes for it to have cooled down and working fine again, but the stupid siren just started again.
i couldnt find the warranty card so i msged my Mum.
"Mummy, Lappie died. like, it DIED! do you know where the warranty card is cause i cant rmb where it is."
my GrandMa than like, looks in the exact same place where i was looking and finds it.
i later informed my Mum that the warranty card has been found and it's all good.
she rings me later with even Bigger news.
mummy: what happened to Lappie?
me: i dont knowwww. it just DIED. and it made a really loud siren.
mummy: okay, go to Ngee Ann City tmr and get it checked or smthg. Anyways, i've bought you some stuff frm here.
me: YAYY. thanks Mummy! is Philippines nice? is it like Thailand?
mummy: ummm. well, a bomb went off yesterday in a big mall i wanted to go to.
mummy: no, it was a big one that went off in a very big shopping mall.
okay, i admit i dont read the papers or watch the news.
mummy: 8 ppl died. i Really wanted to go shopping there, but i'm sure they've closed the mall off, so maybe i might just eat around there tmr.
okay, under NORMAL circumstances, i'm ALL for the shopping overseas, but this was NOT, and i repeat NOT, under normal circumstances.
i dont know if my Mum like had any drugs recently, but she was oddly calm about it all, when her daughter is freaking out over you know, A BOMB.
mummy: i cant. i have to finish my work here.
mummy: than i guess it's my time. you need to leave it to God.
me: WHAT. Mummy, God only helps those who help themselves, and staying somewhere where getting bombed is a High possibilty isn't helping yourself.
the conversation drags on for another 8 minutes, and she's still a cool as a.... what's that proverb? neways, you know what i mean. she's totally cool about it, and i'm screaming FLY OUT NOW.
we end the conversation shortly after she promises to fly out once her work is finished and that she'd stay in safer areas.
she talks to my brother for a few minutes, and being the retard that he isnt shaken by the fact that his Mum is in a country that's been bombed.
chai: ta. there are bombs going off all over the world.
and it's like the weirdest thing everrrr. reading about it in the paper and watching it on the news (both of which i dont do) for over a year or however long it's been since America starting this whole bombing thing in Iraq, we're so immune to it. it's SO fuckin' different when like, someone in your family is experiencing it though.
i still cant belive my Mum is so calm about, when i'm going ballistic.
anyways, i'm back on the PC since as like i've said, Lappie died. and ohmygoddddd. my brother is possibly, the Filthiest being that's ever walked the Earth. and when sisters say that, they're usually like, exaggerating, which i'm sometimes guilty of, but this time. i am FULL SERIOUS, and so not exaggerating. hand to God.
i actually had to get a cloth and wiped the entire table and mouse and keyboards before using it. and there's this horrible, PUNGENT smell of a boy who doesn't shower after school and instead sits at the computer Dota-ing away his sad life.
SO gross.
This is what i call, my brother.
so i had my first exam today. we had English and three hrs to complete 3 essays which had to be a minimum of 9 pages long.
what a blast.
it's going to suck so much when i get the papers back because i didnt even have time to finish the entire thing.
ugh, whatever.
it's a Friday night and i'm at home studying Bio and it'll be Saturday tmr.
oh, it actually already is Saturday. well, it'll be SaturDAY tmr and i'll be back at school for extra Bio lessons.
exam periods really do suck.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
i don't know what's going through my Media teacher's head when she gives us an assignment to complete a day before our exams start, but it's 2 am and Bernie+I are stuck awake completing our work. Kriti has already finished her part of it and gone to bed.
neways, in between sending Bern emails with my work and her telling me showing me how well she's decorated our storyboard on webcam, we're just like, chatting.
and, i just rmbed the time when she was being super bimbotic. so, we were having Math and Bern's going through my makeup purse.
bernie: can i look at your powder?
me: yeah.
and after like 2 seconds, she starts laughing non- stop.
me: what happened?
bernie: oh, i opened your YSL and it went POOF in my face.
and the other time when she saw a picture of like, my GrandDad.
me: um, that's because he is... STOOPS.
bernie: oh.
it's like asking if Thomas is Black.
erm. No, he's CHINESE.
Monday, October 15, 2007
a several days ago, Lauren+I were online chatting about our current love lives. actually, we were talking about hers and my Lack Of one. neways, it started going towards Lauren's speciality.
me: is he a virgin? cause if he is, you'll get to deflower him.
lauren: dude. i fuckin' hope not.
me: AHHAHAHA. why? deflowering boys is like, your speciality.
lauren: spare me. mannn, he better not be a virgin.
me: what if he has a girlfriend?
lauren: pffft. small obstacle.
ohmygodddddd. i'm like, a BIG BIG beliver in karma, right? so, i'm always trying to be good, and like do good too (=
and, stop sniggering Bernie and all non- believers.
whateverrrr. neways.
like whenever i go into lifts, i ALWAYS ALWAYS say Thank You when ppl hold the lifts for me and like, ALWAYS hold the lifts for other ppl, even if it means missing the train.
so, this one time last week, the train was arriving in one minute, so i walk towards the lift and already in it is some skinnyass old guy, and i do some hadn gesture Politely so he'll hold the lift for me, and you know what he does? CLOSES THE BLOODY DOOR IN FRONT OF ME.
i soon realise what the fucker was doing, so I give him the dirtiest look i could master in shock.
WHAT AN ASS, RIGHT? like seriously. how much of an ass do u have to been to freakin' shut the door in front of someone.
by the time the lift went up and came back down and back up again, the train's door was closing and i see the fucker looking at me than turning away.
i hope he misses all his trains, buses and cabs everywhere he goes.
on friday night, i wanted to go see Nanny Diaries with Holly, except it stopped showing, so instead, i helped Holly with her assignment to photograph Street Style. most of the time, there were alot of try-hard Street, but there were, however, a few really "stylish" ones.
um. than she had to get like 6 ppl to advertise for Volvic's new flavoured water, so we went to HomeClub cause Holly is like, the SHYEST person everrr, and felt more comfortable in a place where she knew most ppl.
and, she did not in any way force me to say that.
she told me she's again started a new diet the same day, so i forced her to have one mouth of the Wonton Noodles her fat friend was having for supper, and she ended up eating half my serving.
my aim in life is to feed Holly.
don't tell me. i KNOW i'm a good friend.
the next night, Holly came out again to help me look for my Daddy's birthday present, and we ended the night together by going over a book she regrets geting because of its lame pictures. AHHAHAHAH.
Holly booted, and i met El+Nel+Kel and went to supper before Aunty came to pick us up so we could all go pick Daddy up frm the airport.
the Choo family ended their night together with a second round of supper of Thai food Daddy Dearest brought home.
on sunday. everyone woke up at like 4 or smthg and had leftover Thai which tasted two times better than it did the night before.
we had a really late dinner at Red House for Daddy's early birthday dinner. Daddy dropped Chai+I home like 15 mins before midnight, so Cafie+I told Daddy that Cafie was in the bathroom while we ran to 7-11 in hope to get a cake. that we got a butter Sara Lee one, but the bloody 7-11 didn't have candles.
it turned twelve as we arrived so all we could do was pull out the cold Sara Lee out of my bag and wish Daddy Happy Birthday.
anyways. it's all about the thought that counts.
ohmygoddddd. Daddy, you're like, 56 yrs til you're a century.
AHAHAHHHAHA. i kid. you're hotter than half the 18 yr olds in Singapore and you tell the funniest jokes which you don't laugh at yourself, cause no one else is laughing.
i'm kidding. you're the BESTEST BEST Daddy any one of us could have ever asked for, and we all LOVEEELOVEEEELOVEEEEELOVEEEEEELOVEEEEEE you so effin' much.
todayyyyy i was supposed to be at school, but i followed Holly's advice on how to be a good daughter, so i skipped school and spent the day with my Daddy (:
i met Daddy in the afternoon and went with him to a meeting, than he went home with Aunty to get ready for dinner, whilst i went to get my nails done.
the Choo family minus Chai plus Kelvin+aFewRelatives went to dinner at some Peranakan restaurant.
we again used to the Toilet excuse and went out to buy Daddy a cake. this time, we came back with a cake that came with candles and wasn't packed in aluminium.

meet Yiren, our second cousin.
he is like, three and knows all the instruments in the orchestra.
i know. i felt dumb too. i felt better after remembering all my brother could do at three was slur.
Nicole Richie who?
it's been a while since i mentioned fabulousjunk.blogspot.com, so i will tonight.
it's REALLY REALLY cool cause Bern+I have brought in Jessica Simpson Products !
like, if you've heard, Jessica Simpson started this like, Dessert Series which ranges frm Lip Glosses to Fragrances to Body Shimmer Mist to Shower Gel.
and it isnt called Dessert for nothing. EVERYTHING in her range is Edible. no joke. u can like, lick your body butter off yourself, or if you prefer, swallow your shampoo.
thanks. we already know.
we're not called fabulous for nothing.
exams are on Friday so skipping is not an option tmr, and btw i'm planning to stick to my strict No Skipping School Policy til the end of the yr, which excludes family members' birthdays.
CHANTAL'S booted!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
let me prove to you how sad my life is.
i am currently taking online tests to see how fake i am.
You Are 42% Fake |
You realize that beauty is sometimes an illusion, and you're okay with that.And even though you're a little fake, the real you still shines through. |
P.S: Yes i admit to using acrylic nails in the past, and applying fake tan, but i do not lie about my weight. hand to God.
i basically have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING since i last blogged, so it's pretty sad.
i have, however, been studying fairly hard measured by the Chantal Chart of Studying, since my exams are in 10 days away. and yes, i have been counting down.
actually. studying has been pretty fun.
HAHHAHH. and despite what Bernie probably thinks, I have not been studying the male anatomy in the library til 5 in the evenings.
oh, we had another like, Thai exchange thing last friday at school.
ohmygod, this little girl is the CUTEST thing eveerrrrrr.
she's like, HALF my size, and i'm short.
in the evening, i met Nel+Kel+El at Suntec cause our Uncle was shouting us dinner, so that was yum.
thannnnn. i went home and found my brother having 2 of his friends sleeping over. and apparantly, they were supposed to be Studying.
all i saw was a pathetic attempt of filing, and the rest of the time, they were Dota-ing and watching movies. they also bought crisps and drinks.
sounds more like a Slumber Partayyy to me.
on Saturday night, Mummy+Chai+Por+I had dinner at some japanese restuarant, and ahahahhahaha, my Grandma got lost.
she arrived shortly after a screaming contest over the phone between her and my Mum, and they ate like nothing happened.
oh, then whilst having dinner, my Grandma took out 5 pairs of socks she ever so kindly bought me and passed them to me while i had sashimi in my mouth.
before dinner, i HAD to get my nails done because they were so effin disgusting, like SO disgusting. neways, i full adore my manicurist. she's like, SO nice.
i'm always either like 45 mins for my appointments or making her do my nails within 15 mins and rushing off.
but, she's always like super nice about it (=
okay, i don't really know why i'm talking about my manicurist, but i thought she just deserved like, a paragraph. or sub- paragraph. whatever.
okay, so as i know it. my life is sosuper boring, i plan to sleep before midnight tonight.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
i feel so stupid bringing all my books to school and bringing them home again without even turning a page of them.
today, our school planned for 2 groups of students from both Japan and Thailand to come like, visit our school and had to like, communicate, or at least try to, and just basically entertain them for 2 hrs each.
we had the Japanese students in the morning, and i was expecting Harajuku Girls look-alikes rocking up, but the girls turned out to be pretty normal looking. there wasn't fake tan, nor big dyed blonde hair, nor was there super mini checked school-girl skirts. there was, however, fake eye lashes.
dont blame me for having them stereotyped; earlier in the yr, another group of them came and majority was the girls were Lindsay Lohan- orange with big big hair.
OHOH. and, i made my FIRST crane origami everrrr, and i didnt know orgami paper was so pretty.
my group was all boys and since trying to communicate was a bust, the only thing i could think of was bringing them down to the basketball court. that worked like magic, and the remaining like 20 mins flew by, and it was Bye-Bye time.
an hr or so later, we had a smaller group of preteens frm an outskirt of Bangkok, and honestly, i've never met girls who planned how to take photographs.
it was, So cute.
that whole like, entertaining overseas exchange students took up the whole day, and soon enough i was on the bus home carrying the books i didnt even touch.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
i just created my Facebook account after like forever, cause i wanted to know what the hype was all about.
and, i gotta admitttt. Facebook is pretty-effin'-cool.
i'm like, a full retard at it though; clicking every bloody button and still lost, but i have faith in myself that i will work it like magic the next time i use it.
but, so far, i do know how to write on ppl's "Walls", whatever that means. it just sounds cool, and you get to like do this thing called Superlative. i dont even know what that word means, but it's so big and smart- sounding, and i'm all about sounding smart.
okay, whatever i'm just droning on about it now.
you know what?
Facebook is going to be like, the New Friendster.
so anyways.
i was greeted by Paul this morning with a very, special morning greeting.
paul: Hi Chantalalitaaaa !
me: Hi Paulieeeee.
paul: chantal, i had a dream about you last night.
i was thinking he was going to tell me he had a nightmare cause 2 days before, Bernie told me she had a nightmare of me driving her into town in my snazzy car. okay, whatever. let's go back to the story.
me: oh, what kind of dream?
paul: ummmmm. well, we were both in a room.
me: Wait. WHAT?
paul: andyouwerereallyhornyandwewereonthebedandyouweremakingmestrip!
me: AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Are You Kidding Me?! yeah, in your dreams Paul.
so that was that.
and for the record, i have COMPLETELY NO IDEA where guys pull shit like that frm.
so i actually plan to get up at like, freakin 5 IN THE MORNING, to do some work since i bloody fell asleep n the couch while messing around on Facebook and woke up to my Mum's return from Thailand, so i need some sleep.
oh and, she didnt buy me back anything. not even sticky rice.