Saturday, May 31, 2008
so the Sichuan earthquake has been really devastating news, and in the effort to raise some money, the Student Councillors decided that they'd put up a skit on the Parable of the Good Samaritan, and have several of us sing to BlackEyedPeas' Where Is The Love. problem is, about three- quarters of that song is rapped by Will.I.Am. rap. reading with a rhythm right? shouldnt be so hard for most people. the thing is, i'm not most ppl. i have absolutely no sense of rhythm. "Fine, sing for the chorus", i was told. ahahahhahahahahah, Biggest Joke Ever. when i sing, Kelvin has been quoted saying: He'd rather jump down 6 floors than continue listening to me sing. when i say I Can't Sing, i mean: I.CANNOT.SING. like, i dont mean: I'm too shy to let others hear my voice, i literally mean, I CANT SING. because i am basically, tone- deaf.
i think i even sing Happy Birthday off- key, thus the loud clapping. we finally decided on someone who could actually Sing, so my name was put down for rapping despite my pleas.
yeah, i really might as well have signed up to publicly humilate myself cause i messed up on the second line and decided to let Will.I.Am himself continue.
whatever, it was for a good cause anyways.
anyways, since El is like, insanely in love with Shia Labeouf. dont ask why; he reminds me of a bean. Nel&Kel&El&Emi&I went to see that Indiana Jones movie. with all that hype about it, i honestly thought it was going to be decent, but even for an action movie, it was kinda Blah.
hahhahahaa, my Dad saw it and thought that Harrison Ford was an embarrassment to himself for being over half a century old and running around with whips like his twenty. honestly, i wouldnt care if i looked like the biggest fool in the world if at the end of the day, i raked in the millions.
my Dad would so rock more at it.
ohmygod, my Mum's so mean. we were at a restuarant having lunch and i was ordering a whole bunch of food, cause i'm a growing child and need all the nutrients i can get. and when my Mum finally stopped me and after the waitress left, she was like:
mummy: girl, you shldnt eat so much.
me: but i'm hungry though
mummy: ta. your boobs sit on your stomach, and your stomach sit on your thighs. like, the three- layered pork.
OHMYGOD. that was so mean! the meanest thing ever, comparing me to a pig. but it was pretty darn funny 'cause i laughed til my resting-on-my-thighs stomach started to hurt so bad. just for the record, my Mum was SOOOOOOO totally exaggerating. HAND TO GOD.
me: holly, ohmygod. grab my arm here. feel the fat.
holly: no, i dont want to.
me: it's okay, just grab it.
holly: chantal, i dont want to.
me: grab the damn fat!
holly: ... ohmygod, why do you always force me to do these things.
random-est night ever.
asian, bitch.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
awwwwwwww, Cafieeeeeeee, our little babysister is now Eleven years old!
hahahaha. Cafie, i miss you AlotAlotAlotAlotAlot, but i love you MoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMore. you're the best little sister anyone could every ask for, and we love you more than you'll ever know <3
at Spizza ((=
at Tony Roma's [[=
at Uncle's//
so, Mummy came back frm NYC a few days ago and we were having lunch and we were talking about tertiary education for me, and where she could send me to if i didnt get into a local university.
mummy: Ta, i might send you to Canada... or New Zealand.
me: WHAT?! WHY? Canada?... New Zealand? Are you kidding? Why can't i just go back to Melbourne? I don't even know anyone in Canada OR New Zealand.
mummy: because, Ta, the cost of living is much lower there.
me: yeah, but. i dont want to go to either of those places.
from here, she decided to continue making another one of her bad jokes.
mummy: look on the bright side. if you go to New Zealand, you might meet a cute farmer.
me: ... a FARMER?!
marcel: or a sheep.
which, by the way, is totally wrong, cause there is no plural to sheep.
marcel: yeah, and if you go to Canada, you can easily cross the border over to the US.
me: ... like, the illegal immigrants from Mexico?
okay, it's been a couple of weeks already, but WHAT THE FUCK is up with the insane heat in Singapore? yeah, i know it's global warming and all, but doesn't the government have a clue on how to deal with it? they tell us not to turn on the A/C but seriously, you get out off the shower and you start sweating. yeah sweating, like an animal. it's so bad. and all you can do is turn on the A/C and sit in your room. right? Singapore shld do what they do in Guangzhou. they turn off ALL electricity every tuesday. wait, is it all? maybe only for factories. but whatever it is, that would help, right? so maybe Singapore shld like turn off All electricy and proclaim that one more day a weekend. okay, scratch that. bad idea.
but regardless, the weather is a bigger joke than me running.
Kate's 18th <3
ahahahhaa// random fool at the back.
i was just thinking on what gets on nerves Really Really badly, and figured it was people who ask me, "Why do you wear makeup?"
it's like, "Why do YOU get up every morning and start breathing? just drop dead and leave us more air." OR another way in dealing with people like that is, "NABEIIIII your face or my face?"
i personally like the second one better but my Mama taught me to be civilised.
it's SOOOOOO annoying that like, i have nothing to say and all i can is walk off. Honestly.
Why? obviously 'cause i Want to. or Need to. or Feel like it.
okay, fair enough if you're Naturally stunning and you wake up every morning and not need a single drop of make up, than you're a lucky bitch. but if i feel like i look worse than crap in the morning, and need makeup to feel better, whose business is that? Mine. so Shut It.
and than you get people who try and convert you and say things like, "Make-up is BADDD for your skin. you shld let it breathe." OR like, "i think you look better without makeup"
YEAH WHATEVER. you just want me to go out looking like a complete tool, so i look terrible next to you. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH//
that's what i'd think anyways.
like, i'm not saying everyone shld go out with like, thick stage makeup everyday but like, how is powder, some mascara and abit of lip gloss so bad? AND, even if someone Wants to go out with makeup as thick as stage makeup, it's their choice so whatev.
okay, in today's world, with the insane amount of makeup companies inproving their makeup so you have them clog- free and like, organic makeup and what have you, i really dont think wearing about 8 hours of makeup a day is That bad. plus, if you remove your makeup upon getting home and have a good skincare regime, i think you're good to go.
PS: i learnt Nabei frm Bernie. ahahahhahahahaha//
Thursday, May 15, 2008
thinking back, growing up in two differerent households made my childhood a whole lot more interesting. but, having two sets of parents always seemed to confuse peers. like, "why so many?" okay, now that bit confused me. many? ahhah, when did a couple become many. 2 sets of parents; father&step mum, mother&step dad. how hard it that to understand?
i think the best part of having two sets of parents is when one set denies you of anything, you always have the other set to go to. hahaha. and in the latter, including how the former refused you and how you were misunderstood and how you really need that one thing usually helps. i think divorced parents have this thing where it's like, competition on who's the better parent and i think they feel bad that like, just cause the marriage didnt work out, the kids "suffer" and they do everything they can just cause they're in guilt. whatev, i'm not complaining.
chinese new year and festive seasons are also pretty amazing, cause you'll now have an extra set of family to go to collect well, festive givings ((=
so i think due to my parents' personalities, i've come to learn along the years to go to which parent for what. Without Fail, when it comes to education and grades, my Mum's the freakin' grinch, and my Dad's motto has always been "That's okay, as long as you tried your best." hahahaha//
mid- years are going on at the moment, and seriously, this is the WORSTWORSTWORSTWORSTWORST time of my life. since day one of year 12, we've been brainwashed that if we fail mid-years, we're basically going to fail our entire year because school assessment is worth like, 60% or 40% or smthg of our entire grade and whatever we score for mid-years will just sit for the rest of the year unless a miracle happens and Chantal passes math. thus, Major Stress. like, it's so stressful i cant find the joke in it. usually, it's all fun and games and it doesnt hit me til i'm sitting there after getting my results, and it's like, "Opps, guess i should have studied harder. oh well, there's always next time." but now it's really bad, cause next time would mean Prelims and if i'm sitting there with my unheard of grades thinking there's always next time, i would probably flunk my TEEs and find myself kicked out of home. at least, that's the worst that could happen right.
anyway, the point is i shared my stress with my Mum, in hope of some sympathy. should have known better; My Mum? Not a Big Believer of Sympathy.
me: mummyyyyyyyyyy. i just had my math exam. mummy, it was so so so so so baddddd, okay! like it was soooo super hard. Everyone was complaining how hard it was.
mother: what does that mean? that you're going to fail?
me: ... i didnt have enough time to finish doing it though. but i really tried my best!
mother: well. your best wasnt good enough now, was it?
Blahhhhh. i continued whining on the phone to her til she belived i was upset that the math paper went Horribly horribly wrong.
my Dad on the other hand rang me after the paper and i was all dejected and upset. LMAO, most retarded thing everrrrr, cause seriously, i've never really cared much for math. it's a subject i started failing since 13 and from what i see, there really is no turning back.
after a couple of questions on how the paper went, my Dad could tell i wasnt in much of a mood for talking, so he changed topics.
daddy: so, have you had lunch yet?
ahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahaha// funniest thing ever!
i admit it, food makes me happy.
and because of the damned examinations, and under the immense (hahahahaha) amount of stress i'm under, i've had an ulcer from it, and motherfuckiing breakouts. SERIOUSLY though. an Ulcer! the only times i get ulcers is when i stupidly bite my lip at the same spot while eating one too many times. like, whenever i hear ppl say they get ulcers from stress, i'm like "yeah, whatever. what nonsense!" BUT IT'S ALL TRUE. those ugly-ass things actually form when you're under stress. i dont understand why we're punished Even more when we're already having a hard time. shouldnt our body be smarter and like, reward us for working so hard and like help us go up a cup size or like, speed up our metabolism so we lose a couple of kg, or Something. not continue to punish us with bloody ulcers and break-outs.
What A Joke.
so once again, to prove to my Mum that i Really am stressed, i tell her about my horrid ulcer.
me: mummy, you know i'm so stressed i have an ULCER!
mother: oh, okay. that's normal Ta.
no, that is Not Normal.
me: NORMAL?! how is that normal?
mother: yeah, people get ulcers all the time because of stress. and this just proves how UN-stressed you were. Ta, this is the real world. Welcome.To.The.Real.World.
man, screw the bloody real world if it means getting ulcers was you know, a norm.
hahahaha, no my Mum's not uncaring or a bitch or a bad mother. okay, maybe a biatch, SOMETIMES... like, pre-teen days were basically Fight with Mother Everyday Day. more on that later. she's more of a, Realistic slash Believer that it's a dog eats dog world out there.
i finally realised trying to squeeze sympathy out of my Mum was like, scoring an A for math. almost basically practically impossible. Adidas lies, impossible is not nothing. it's a big fat something that isnt happening.
so, instead i changed the topic to how NYC was and she goes on to decribe the weather to me with more detail than the weather report.
okay, so going back to how pre-teen days was Fight with Mother Everyday Day, it really was. it was like a schedule i followed religiously. okay, Mum's back from work- Go start a fight. hahaha, i'd say it's the hormones and how all 13 year olds are brats. than, one day a movie changed it all; we watched Freaky Friday on tv, and i think Jamie Lee Curtis in that movie was like Oprah to my mum on how to deal with a brat for a daughter. i swear, after that movie, my mum was BEYONDDDDDD nice and i really couldnt pick an agument with her on anything. really, that movie does wonders.
oh, this is really late but HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MUMMY and AUNTY <33333
and i love you both even more than a fat kid loves cake!
me: so Mummy, did you go to that place that i told you to go your nails?
mother: oh yeah.
me: did you tell them you were my Mum?
mother: yeah, and they said you'd be so lucky if you were built like me.
why cant a clip ever make my hair look like that?
CHANTAL, bootttttttt.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
biggest 7 year old cam whore.
Power Ranger.
awwwww. and my Grandma turned a sweet 63.
i failed math, whatever.
so yeah, i tried to be really stealth by surprising my Grandma with a cake and ended up locking myself out of my room with the lit cake sitting there. the candles ended up on the cake instead of being blown out by my Grandma.
guess Stealth doesnt work well with me.
it's understood that i got the un-funny genes frm not one, but both my parents. it's not smthg i like to remind myself but everytime i crack a joke, i always ends up laughing to myself with eyes rolling as a response. but now, i might have a clue of what kind of pathetic joke i'll try to tell my future daughter when she asks about degrees.
me: how do degrees work? like, is it Masters than Bachelors than PhD? or what?
mother: first you do Bachelors followed by Masters and than PhD.
me: ohhhhhh.
mother: PHD stands for Permanent Head Damage... studied too much.
seriously. how much of a lamer joke can someone crack. or try to.
it was so bad, it became funny.
anyways, both Mo and Maryyy had their 18th birthday last week, so HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY to them two sexy biitches. xo.
MARY'S shindig.
lmao, i love that word//
and, WOM'S 18th shindig.

so, i'm waiting for someone to post up the video of some of the students frm our school who performed a hip hop routine to Low for our entertainment yesterday at Speech Day.
and once you've watched the video, you'll probably never be able to listen to Low ever again.
i say, a big fat A FOR EFFORT.
probably one of the most um, memorable Speech Day in St. Francis history.
CHANTAL'S gotta boot!