it's hasnt even been a week since school started, and it feels like we barely got a break. whatever, it's so retarded.
one thing that quite excited me was that Subway was of walking distance and cookies were available to me any damn time of the day. but i always do this thing that sickens and disgusts me. like, them cookies were so amazingly good til i had to binge on them and have too much that now the sight makes my stomach churn.
I ALWAYS DO THIS! it's so annoying. it's like everything good makes me ill 'cause of my obsession with it. it always happens to me! i'll think, Nahhhh they're too good to make me sick of them, and before i know it, those words are thrown straight back at my face.
so, Mummy's left for HK again and according to the news, the typhoon situation is pretty bad.
me: Por saw the typhoon on the news... has it gotten worse?
mummy: i went to work in typhoon no 8. no one came to work but me.
okay, i'm a little paranoid seeing natural disasters have never struck Singapore. TOUCH WOOD; i'm also superstitious. and we all live in a little bubble and have never had to experience extreme weather, apart from the annoying heat, but that's got to be pretty bearable to like anything that happens overseas, right.
mummy: no... i was wearing a raincoat.
i, at this point, was LOST for words. a raincoat does JACK. all it does is keep you dry, and not even a very good job at that. but my Mum reckons the news made a bigger fuss than it actually was and shrugged it off. so typical.
anyways, these are some seriously overdue pictures from Mismatched, but we're still thankful for them 'cause Marisse is amazing. so, Thanks Bitch. <3you!
it's all about them knockers baby.
damn the first lesson for being Math in the morning.
at last count, i think i've downed about 5 dozens of Subway cookies in the last 3 weeks. it got really bad one time during the last 3 weeks Holly had to keep the cookie and ration it to me slowly. hahahaha, but seriously, they're sooooo good it's hard to keep away frm them. and even when you do Try to keep away frm them, a Subway pops up right in front of you! how are you supposed to walk right past it without getting at least, three. right?
moving away from food... hmmmm. SO. my Mum got back home yesterday, and since it felt like, FOREVER since i last saw her i thought i might do smthg nice for her when she got back.
YEAH! i baked those muffins, bitch.
did you buy that Even for a second? i kid. i paid good money for those muffins. to be honest, my oven is actually sitting real comfortable in the box somewhere cool and dry. the plan was to get alphabetical candles that read Welcome Home Mummy, but after many failed attempts, Holly&I couldnt find any in time, and ohmygosh, Holly was so smart! she was like: Why dont you just use icing? so, that was my very first time handling icing and i must say, proudly, they dont look too shabby. [[= however. when we wanted to chum down the muffins, i scraped all of the icing off cause, honey the icing may be pretty but damn did they shoot like a million sugary shooting things straight into my nerves.

it's a known fact- Everyone Hates Being Wrong. right? i mean, who enjoys being proven wrong? No One. it's like, Shut Downnnn! in your face. no one likes that. and even when you Know you're wrong, you pull every trick in the book to try and push the blame to someone else or a thousand and one lame excuses to sound right. dont worry about it, it's Human Nature. but i must say i was pretty effin' glad to be wrong last night when i was SOSOSO Sure i lost my mobile. you see, i have this really bad habit of putting my mobile in the front pocket of my bag and the pocket is well, rather shallow. What? it's easily accessible if it rings. so i just figured it must have fell out when we were walking or smthg. and anyways, so we were getting a drink in town and my Mum asked me to check the time, and i was Sure... Shitttt!... Mummy? i uh, think i lost my phone. LET ME JUST SAY THIS. the effort put into that morning's little Welcome Home Mummy trick really did it. i could see my Mum's reaction change from, Oh I'm going to kill her to Breathe breathe breathe real quick. so i had to go through the ringing the cab company and end up waiting on the line for like, an hour before someone answers and report a lost item that you're probably never going to get back and than, enduring sarcastic comments about my responsibility and finished off by suspending the line in case whoever picks it up decides to ring Alaska or Ukriane just for kicks. honestly, that might not be my first worry if i lose my mobile. i blame it on today's dependance on modern technology that almost everything i want to remind myself with is inside my mobile and no, i didnt make a hard copy of all my contacts. i mean it's not like i have hardcore porn in there or naked pictures of myself but there obviously are some personal things in one's phone that might be utterly embarrassing if someone was to find and go through it. like, El making me sing to Maria back in Bangkok just to name one. so by dinner, it's like we totally forgot i pulled another stunt to prove my irresponsibility and my Mum's relaxed and cool about it all except she stated very clearly she will Not be getting me another mobile and we head home and i go into my room and WHAT DO YOU KNOW? sitting smack right by my pillow is my phone! and it was Awesome saying i was wrong. Awesome.
yeah, so i was on the topic of the Top 25 Fashion Faux Pas according to VH1 and smthg else just hit me. again, i witnessed it on public transport. i tell you, catching the bus or the train is really another whole ball game. just look around and i guarantee you you'll witness smthg eyebrow raising, utterful disgusting or downright hilarious. one of the many pieces of clothing that made VH1's list is the Muscle Tee. i bet you anything i'm a Hundred Percent positive about 99.99% of the male population has commited that crime, and some are Still commiting. but to me, it really depends on who's wearing it cause like, Benjamin McKenzie was fine in his good ol' wifebeater on The OC, but than you get the 400 pound piece of lard of a useless alcoholic husband who always plays the minor roles on movies and tv shows Also in the same wifebeater and you're like, Please. and try not to barf. so anyways, i was on the bus and this dude comes on with his tight black most-probably-made-of-Latex muscle tee and also, very fitted pair of jeans which he belted snugly around his well, man hips. it wasn't like he didnt have muscles to pull of that muscle tee, but i think it might have been an overdose of flesh slash bulge here and there that when he walked down the bus, it seemed like all the commuters moved aside and created a walkway for him in case he got mad and backhanded any one of them. thankfully, i got on on one of the earlier stops and had a seat. but i have to say, for the rest of the ride, my attention was well captured.
this is meant to belong to the last post, but thanks to the Dory of a memory i have, it's sitting here a week or so too late. so, Nelf&Kel&El&I saw Sex and The City and it was SOOOOOOOO good! i mean, the storyline isnt anything to get excited over, but seriously who'd watch it for the storyline. maybe just to see what happens between Big and Carrie, but other than that, who cares. as expected, the clothes were Beyond Amazingggg. like, it Really was insane. Nelf was sooo cute and excited and like, 10 mins into the movie, she was all "I'm SO going to get the DVD.", and was told to Just Relax, by El. ahahahahhahaa.
before Memory Dory here starts again, i have to say
i now know the 'eye liner on the lower lash line' was Not a good look for me.
you know you're the Most Amazing-Wonderful-Generous-Understanding-Forgiving Father in the WholeEntireWorld, right?
and all 5 of us love you more than you'll Ever Ever know.
shld i keep going? or you do reckon that will get me a big enough Christmas gift. Joke.
i lovelovelovelovelovelovelove you SOSUPER much, Daddy. and i miss you all the time.
and as i've said, i have 2 Dads. so,
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to you too, J !!
you've been absolutely wonderful and i adoreeeeeeeee you, and i'll never forget the times where you've been SO retardedly hilarious and i love you all the same.
VH1 always broadcasts shows where they countdown like Top 20 richest entertainer or like, Top 10 What To and What Not To at Your Wedding and basically every list you could ever imagine. you imagine it, VH1 has done it! and once, i watched an episode where they had a countdown of like, Fashion Worst Faux Pas or smthg along that line. and, i'm pretty sure VPL made Number One, but another one caught my eye.
so, i was on the LRT a few months ago and i saw the MOST amazing pair of eyelashes. No Joke. like, it was Stunning. i honestly would pay a million bucks for eyelashes like that. and they belonged to this gorgeous little boy right? and i'm just staring at his lashes and slowly moved my view from his eyes to the rest of his face, and from there the view zoomed out and instantly, i was caught off guard by his hair. poor little boy had a mullet. A MULLET. okay, i know a Mullet is supposed to mean: Business in the front, and Party at the back or whatever, and yes possibly every "fashionable" person in the 80s sported a Mullet back in the day. but seriously, the kid must have been around 2 or 3, so he wouldnt have known better, but his parents are so evil for re-living the 80s through their 3 year old son. trust me, when he grows up and looks at baby photos, he'll hate his parents for putting him through smthg so awful. and, I know that from Experience.
today, my Grandma trims both our dogs fur with my fabric scissors, which btw, is So Totally wrong. but what are you going to do? let's go back aboutttt, 15- 16 years ago. my Grandma was probably trimming both my hair and the dogs fur with the same scissors. hhahahaha, God i hope not. i swear! it was torture having to go through all the photos when i was aged 3 or 4 cause my bangs were honestly, about 3 inches above my eyebrows. to this date, i Still blame my Grandma for cutting my hair. seriously. how much can it cost to take a 3 year old kid to the hairdressers for a trim? i vow to NEVER EVER put my future child the same torture. maybe it wasnt so much the cost, but the "hassle". WHATEVER.
isnt that just the saddest thing you've ever seen?
on the topic of past events in my life. i'm probably the Most Least Athletic person i know of, but that wasnt always the way. see here, i was Six and taking part at Sports Day. in fact, i took part in both PE and Sports Day til like, 16 yrs old cause the school i was at didnt make it compulsory.
ohmygosh, Holly uploaded this picture on facebook sometime ago and i saved it, cause i stupidly threw away the film that consisted of so many pictures during OLGC days so i have like none. it's Tooo Cuteeeee, it really is.
awwww, look how we've evolved into young women Hols.
CHANTAL, boot!
i'm more than positive that majority of people would have gone through at least half a dozen different ambitions by the time they've turned 18 unless all that's in their life is sitting in front of the computer screen and living in denial that they're able to make a living out of playing WOW or Dota or whatever.
... did someone say my brother's name.
i think the Very first thing i wanted to be was a primary school teacher. BLAH, what was i thinking? come 3rd Jan and i'll be faced with crying 7 year olds and their ohsoprotective parents peering through the window panes making sure their babies are enjoying their first day of class. for the record, my Mum never did peer through the window panes, nor did i cry on my first second or third day of school. holly can so vouch for me.
i mean, i'm all for children. i lovelovelovelove them, i just dont like bawling whiny ones.
i'm not quite sure what my second ambition was but i'm pretty sure wanting to be an actress was Top Three. What? everyone has wanted to be famous at least, Once in their life. let's just say that was a bust and we'll just blame it on an 8 year old's naivety.
and i remember so clearly what i wanted to be after that: A Housewife. i think i was around like, just before turning 9 or smthg. and i rmb it was Nelf&Chai&El&I at the market with Aunty and as usual, Nel&El&I had our little handbags and matching outfits and we were looking at fruits, and i decided there and then that i wanted to be a housewife. i didnt think of my future husband's monetary status or whatever; not that it matters in a big way of anything now. i just rmbed i wanted to like, do grocery and clean the house and cook. yeah, i have absolutely no idea what got into my head, but now that i'm 18 and fully able to digest what being a housewife does and everything else, i don't think that ambition will work out so well. unless, i wont have to cook or clean. grocery shopping in the supermarket in still do-able, but i'm pretty sure mother-in-laws come into the picture when grocery shopping in the wet market is needed.
and as pathetic as this sounds i'll admit it, pulling an Anna Nicole minus the sad drug overdose death might have been an idea. hmmmm, marrying an old dude and wait for him to peace out and wait in line for the inheritance money. to set the record straight, i grew out of that idea in a jiff after hearing how much of a court battle she had to go through with her husband's estranged son. yeah, no estranged step children for me.
i Have turned 18, and i'm pretty much decided on what i want to do for the better part of my life and entering university is not a choice but a requirement, and being able to score an average of five Cs is the minimal score i can get, and seeing how i scored an E in math Really doesnt help me make my dream come true. thank you God for the re-test.
so anyways, i re-watched both Season 1 and 2 of Veronica Mars and went on to catch Season 3, and it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR good! which reminds me of this phase i went through where being a PI fascinated me so much. okay i know Veronica Mars is just a show and everything is planned and thought out by the writers of the show and Kristen Bell just has to act it out, but i cant get over the fact of how smart Veronica Mars is. i suppose a certain amount of stealth-lity is required for such a job, and i'm sad to say that smthg as simple as hand and eye co-ordination is smthg i havent well, perfected.
whatever, it'll still work as my fantasy job... taking over the desire to be famous.
BEST show, ever.
i promised my Mum that i'd dedicate 5 hours each day to studying. earlier during the year, i also promised my Grandma that i would clean my room and put everything that i dont use into cardboard boxes so when my Mum finally gets down to picking a fine ol' home for us to move into, i'll be up and ready to get moving. thinking back, i made about close to a million promises to myself, my Grandma and my Mum about what i'd do during the upcoming June holidays. and now, it's almost mid-June and my room looks like a tornado went through it and i still havent done jack about it. i mean, i feel bad but like, it's SOOOO hard getting down to doing smthg like cleaning my room, because trust me, once i start i'd take like Forever to get it done. i'll go through everything and Aw at everything i thought i lost and old photos. today's Wed... hmmm, the weekend sounds perfect for cleaning up. and, studying can resume next week. meanwhile, rotting in front of the computer watching the remainder of Gossip Girl i skipped out on sounds pretty damn swell.
Skype lags like an 101 year old lady so i always end up taking still images of my Mum to see her move.
all the smiley pictures are thanks to Bubbles being in front of the wecam.
my MeiMei is a sexy biatch.
"yeah, the drink was really good. but i didnt taste alcohol."
"it was a Virgin."
CHANTAL'S gotta boogie.