Saturday, July 12, 2008
this is kinda sorta overdue, but better late than never, right?
so, the 9th of July was a special little day for a special little girrrl. HAHAHA. "little"//
it was Mariel's 15th birthday, so
HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY, babygirrrrl.
we went ice skating in the late late late afternoon. yeah, a sport... can you believe it? whatev.
biggst gaybo.
than, we went to Hard Rock Cafe for dinner with, and Elfie thought it was just going to be Team Anus&Uncle&JieLyn&Emi. but since she has been feeling a little bit in the dumps lately frm being family-sick, Daddy flew back to surprise her! it was so funny, cause i didnt get the text that he would be arriving soon, and when he did arrive, he came to the table and bent on his knees, and i turned and saw this round thing, and than it hit me that it was Daddy's face. and Elfie was like SOOO surprised and took this big breath of air. she was totally surpriseddd :D
but he got into trouble after that. LMAO.
again with the norm, you know how much the whole fam loves you, Elfie and you're really really one in a million. like i can say this a million times, but you're such an individual and we all love you to death. hahha, BABYGIRRRL... "Sparkle".
tutor's here. continue this later.
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yeah, so the tutor's gone and while i was pouring him a glass of water, i had this flashback of when i was likeeee, 11-ish 12. and i had the MOSTTTT ANNOYING tutor with the worst breath and like, ohmygod he was just super super annoying. so one time he was like, Chantal go get me a drink. how rude right? so i go into the kitchen and thought i'd be nice and pour him a glass of mango juice, except that i didnt realise it was already 5/6 empty, and only this tiny bit of juice filled the glass. and i didnt want to drink it up cause i had my good full cup back in the study already anyways. so i filled the rest of the glass up with water and took a sip of it (with a spoon), and it tasted so diluted that it sorta became an odd glass of water with a strange mango after taste. i thought i'd make it better and put some sugar into the glass and stirred it in. i tasted it again, and it still didnt taste any better. than i thought i'd jut give it to him since he was such an ass anyways. so i bring the glass back down to the study and give it to him, and he takes this big gulp, and give or take 3 seconds later, he makes this Really fugly face of disgust, and i'm laughing on the inside. and i'm like, Do you like it? with the best of a sweet fake smile i could master, and he was like, ... Yeah, thanks. HAHAHHAHAHAH. i dont rmb him coming back for tution after that. whatev, my gain.
my Grandma is once again trimming my dog's fur with my fabric scissors with the jagged end, and is reminding me for the 5th time in the last 10 mins to buy back another one frm China, except get the one with the straight blade, cause apparantly it's good since it doesnt rust. she tells the dog she's London-trained and that she shld really stop struggling. i laugh.
i was going through some magazine, and i lovelovelovelove the Quote Page and reading stupid things celebrities says, or in a rare instant, "quote-able". i'm certainly wayyyy too young to be living when Sophia Loren was thought to be a Sex Goddess to all men around the world, but it's totally understandable after seeing her pictures on Google. in the magazine, she was quoted saying: "Everything you see, I owe to spaghetti".
this is Sophia Loren during her glory days.
it's kinda depressing to think of it, cause if i was allowed to eat all the spaghetti i ever wanted, i wouldnt even Want to imagine what i'd be like. i've found some pictures on Google that gave me an idea of what i'd turn into, but i think posting them up would cause a few of you to throw up into your mouth.
okay, so the last 2 hrs was spent on Binomial Expansion and smthg about a General Term... it's too much for my little brain and now i need a nap.
Monday, July 7, 2008
so i'm sitting there going through a magazine, and i stop at a page and read the article on the Sex and the City movie, and scan the pictures.
Bernie, next to me asks, "where is Eva Longoria?"
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... ...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Below is an advertorial for a product by Bodynav called Colostrum. Please note that an extensive amount of effort have been put into the research of this product to make sure that it is accurate. It may be slightly lengthy, but i promise you, it's well worth the read :D
What is Colostrum?
Colostrum is mother’s milk, the milk that mothers use to breast feed their kids. Bovine Colostrum is the milk taken from cows within 6 hours after they have given birth (the baby cows are fed first, so don’t worry).
What's so good about Colostrum?
Contains natural anti- bodies
Is low in fat and calories as compared to normal milk
BodyNav’s Colostrum only contains 55 KCAL and 0.13 grams of fat per 150ml as compared to normal milk which contains 75 KCAL and 1.5 grams of fat (information taken from a leading brand of low fat milk). It also contains 193mg of calcium and 16.5mg of magnesium. Regularly taking food high in calcium, yet low in fat, will lead to higher fat burn (!!!).
A rich source of MSM
Methylsulfonylmethane (or MSM) ( is an organicsulphur compound that is rich in sulphur. Sulphur, as a dietary supplement, helps to speed up wound healing in your body and prevent the formation of scars. MSM increases the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates, therefore helping to regulate your blood sugar and increase energy levels. In fact, one of the immediate effects of taking colostrum is increased energy. By regulating your blood sugar, you will get lesser cravings for sweet foods. MSM also helps to detox your kidneys and this will help with reducing water retention in the body.
A rich source of glutathione
Colostrum also contains Glutathione, a powerful anti-oxidant. ( Glutathione helps to protect cells from toxins. When combined with cysteine (found richly in whey protein), which increases the absorption of Glutathione, it helps to detoxify the liver. Liver detoxification helps with a variety of skin-diseases, like age-spots and acne. As you age, there is less glutathione produced in your body, leaving it vulnerable to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress to your body leads to wrinkles and weakened memory and ability to learn. Therefore, taking some Colostrum can help in combating these age-related deficits. Glutathione also helps to promote sleep. When you have enough sleep, your body produces less ghrelin (which increases your appetite), and therefore you will be less hungry in the day.
Contains Lactoferrin
Lactoferrin is an anti-fungal agent. Lactoferrin enhances iron absorption (while neutralizing iron’s side effects) and therefore helps with anemia. Anemia leads to lack of oxygen to the body’s organs (and is a cause of dark eye circles). A good source of iron is whey protein.
An 8 week study has shown that Colostrum, when combined with regular exercise, leads to an increase in bone-free lean body mass. This helps in the prevention of osteoporosis and helps with fat burn due to increased basal metabolism (resting metabolism, amount of calories used up when you are not doing anything). More lean muscle and less fat also means less cellulite.
Detoxes your gut
Another anti-oxidant found in Colostrum is SOD (superoxide dismutase) ( SOD helps to get rid of the bad bacteria (resulting from rotting food) in your gut. When you don’t chew properly, you are bound to have bad bacteria in your gut. This amount of bad bacteria in your gut leads to indigestion (, diarrhea, yeast infection (EEEWWWLLL!) and poor skin quality.
Nutritional value//
How do you choose which brand of Colostrum to get?
The Colostrum has to come from pasture fed cows. They have a higher range of immunities. BodyNav’s Colostrum comes from pasture fed cows found in New Zealand.
They should not be compressed form. The compression used to create the tablets will expose the Colostrum to excessive heat. This will reduce the benefits of Colostrum. BodyNav’s high quality Colostrum is in powdered form and is not exposed to high amounts of heat. BodyNav’s Colostrum also comes in a packet containing 15 grams of Colostrum which is much more than you can get from those in tablet form.

How should you take Colostrum?
You should take it either at night before going to sleep or in the morning. You should always take it on an empty stomach as the stomach acid produced by eating will damage some of the beneficial components of Colostrum. I would also recommend taking it with whey protein (one of the best is also from BodyNav, however, it is so good that we are currently sold out). Whey protein ( contains cysteine and iron that brings out the benefits of Colostrum. Other supplements that contain these items are bee pollen and wheatgrass. However, whey protein also helps to provide Cholecystokinin (CCK) ( to the body. CCK is effective in reducing hunger pangs.
Whey protein is also known to reduce leptin resistance in overweight people. The thing about leptin is that it is the hormone that helps you control your appetite. However, when you are overweight, you have so much leptin in your body that your body is able to resist its effect, therefore this leads to overeating. Then, you become more overweight and have a bigger problem with leptin resistance. With whey protein, you are able to overcome the vicious cycle of leptin resistance. I (Alexis Tung, writer of this advertorial) would also recommend taking Colostrum with bamboo salt (for those living in Singapore, it can be found in the Asian (Korean) food section in Carrefour). Bamboo salt contains a high amount of silica. Silica is a hydrophilic substance that makes water based products more water soluble and therefore increases the absorption of Colostrum in the stomach. It is also effective in helping with allergies.
I (Alexis Tung, writer of this advertorial) personally take this combination twice a day as a meal replacement.
Bamboo salt found in Carrefour
How much does BodyNav’s Colostrum cost?
It costs SGD$80 for a box of 30 sachets which can last you for a month, if you are taking 1 packet a day and 1 tub of bamboo salt (can last you like, forever) costs around SGD$10.
sachet sample [[=
Written by: Alexis Tung
(admitted obsessed beauty and weight loss researcher)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
i've just gone and made a deal with the devil.
please, God. let me get a B in math. the future of my prom dress rests on it.