i started this post two days ago, but yes, it really takes two days to complete... fine, i'm just lazy.
i finally got down to do the ironing and it was like, seeing good ol' friends you havent seen for a good 3 mths and going "There You Areeee!" guess that happens when you avoid doing the ironing for a quarter of a year.
so last night, my Mum finally brought my brother and i to go get Real furniture. see the thing is she reckons buying any furniture now is a bad idea since we're not living in our own house yet and when we end up moving (prob when i'm like, thirty) the current furniture might not go with the new house's theme or whatever, or that i'll get sick of whatever she's bought me and i'll bug her for new furniture. but due to the serious Lack of real furniture in my room, i've got like stuff in Every corner of my room just cluttering around. it's a serious mess to look at and if it's messy for me, it's like a war torn country for my Mum. she came home and said we're going furniture shopping, finally. okay, that's not the point. after purchasing the furniture, my Mum went into this video store and bought a couple of movies and as she's getting ready to pay, the guy behind the counter was like "That will be two thousand three hundred and eighty cents." i wasnt paying much attention, but i heard a thousand and was like "Thousand?!" and the dude's like all chilled, probably because he's used the same joke every time someone bought smthg and had the same reaction "Cents." my brother went "Ha.Ha.Ha" in the annoying way he gets when he's sarcastic and i that just sent me into stiches.
it seemed funnier that that time. whatever.
Bangkok with H was a BLASTTTTT!
i was more excited about the house than anything, and Daddy&Aunty really did the most amazing job with just everything frm our bed heads to like, the curtain hook. okay, i know if i was reading someone else's blog and they were talking about their new homes, i'd be like, Shut it with your showing off bitch. ahahhahah, but it's not like that, like our Dad has worked INSANELY hard to buy our family this house and we're all super excited cause it means we will no longer have to stay in rented service apartments where we're always getting calls in the middle of the night to lower our voices...
the better pictures are Nelf's.
although it was drizzling, we decided to take the TukTuk, and H started talking about smthg about living life on the edge. uhm, yeah. i'm guessing the creator of that phrase would be used by rock-climbers in uhhh, a rocky country? or deep-sea divers who might end up being eaten by a shark. but yeah, two girls on a TukTuk for an 8-minute ride whilst drizzling is definately Living Life on the Edge.

OHMYGODDDDD. and this one time, Carel&H&I were at MBK and that place is seriously a nuthouse 24/7. it's sooo packed it's like they're giving away free goods. so anyways, we were shoe shopping at this store and i felt smthg brush against my bum, right? and i look around and all i saw was women focusing hard on that pair of shoes the way women usually do. so i just put it off as like my bum being too big so i guess ppl's bags were brushing against it. and it happens again and again and again. and i'm like, Wait a minute... what is going on? but every time i looked, there wasnt a pervy 40 smthg year old balding dude in sight. and i mean, unless one of the women shopping was lesbian and had tendancies of touching other ppl's ass, i really didnt see anyone to be the culprit.
so i decided to make my way out of the whole cluster of women and try on the shoes in a more open space. so there i am trying the shoe on and this like, 5- year old Arabic boy slaps me on the ass and laughs in my shocked/appalled face and runs off. i was standing there gaping at what had just happened before going to H&Carel telling them what had just happened. so they stand there laughing at my misfortune and we start looking for that perverted kid and we see him going around touching other innocent women busying trying their shoes on. after that, i went to pay for the shoes and Carel's like, just standing about a metre or so away from me and she's looking bored out of her mind, when that same perverted Arabic kid goes behind and SMACKS her right in the bum and runs off laughing. Carel's reaction sent H&I into a state where tears starting to fall and out stomachs started to ache from all the serious laughing. Carel wanted to make full use of her being about three times the kid's size and go after him, but damn the kid's father for standing about 3 metres away which didnt allow us to abuse his son.
when we got all our laughing out of our system, we went into the supermarket so H could buy her packet soup or whatever and we decided that if he was still there when we came out, we'd use our paper bags to hit him with it. just to clear things up, we're not children haters or abusers, but this Peverted 5-yr old really deserved it. and what do you know? we walk out and he's still there going around grabbing women's asses, and H walks right next to him and swings her paper bag, containing her loot for the day, hard whamming his perverted little back, and continues right on walking.
LOL, so that was that.

oh and another time, we were shopping and went into this store that was owned by a butch and this pretty and UGH, skinny girl was asking for a discount, so i'm guessing the owner said smthg along the lines of "I'll give you a good price if you let me take a photo of you" cause the owner was snapping away while the girl about to purchase a top at a good price was all about her good side... we walk out of the store and Carel shrieks "Sluttttttt!" and asked if either H or i saw what happened. i did, H didn't and Carel was more than happy to tell H the scene she just witnessed.
Carel also, coughed Loser and Freak at the top of her lungs, at a group of 3 Singaporean around 19/20-yr old boys in JJ Market when one of them proclaimed that the mannequin in front of him had, and i quote, "a nice waist". ummmmmmmmmmm. rightttttt. watching my 11-yr old sister verbally abuse the sad pre-mature man who had a fetish of man-made uh, women's waists sent me into fits of laughhter.

no, Carel isn't all abuse... she's also all for saving the earth.
Aunty brought three of us to this huge-ass supermarket and Aunty wanted to get toilet paper, and she had a specific brand she wanted and always used. Carel sees it and points it out, but Aunty says "No, i want the one where each roll is individually wrapped." Carel shows an appalled face and says, "MUMMY!! YOU'RE KILLING THE ENVIRONMENT!" defending her Earth.
but she got over it the second we went into the candy aisle.