santa baby. jingle bell rock. have yourself a merry little christmas. deck the halls. we wish you a merry christmas. silent night. rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. and jingle bells, is what our entire family awake to every morning while my Dad&Aunty help the help prepare breakfast. or rather, lunch since it's afternoon by the time we get up.
our sad little Chrissie tree on Day Three.
it's insane; we've only got TWO! i repeat, TWO more day to Christmas and i still haven't gotten Nel&Kel and my Mummy anything so far. but... other than that, i gotta say that almost everything is falling nicely into place for our Christmas Party on the 24th.
it's so adorable how the entire family is beyond excited for it. it's been a couple of years since we've had a real proper Christmas party together as a family and 2008 being the first year we spend in our new home in Bangkok, the anticipation is
almost every morning, Daddy's gone the extra mile to prepare an amazing lunch for the entire family to make sure we're all enjoying the food and our time together and yeah yeah yeah, i know. it's cliche and eye-rolling worthy, but this whole "Family Bonding" time during this time of the year is so much fun and makes going through the entire year so worthwhile.
presents are, without a doubt, the second best thing about Chrissie [[=
in the meantime, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone!
more importantly, Christmas is the season to be JOLLYYYYY :D
Merry Christmas, xoxo
it's a good feeling to have Elfie lying to me with her Blankie (Yes, she's 15 and she still has a Blankie. to each their own; don't judge.) over her eyes to block out the Sun. she said she fell asleep only when the Sun came up. i wouldnt have known better; i was long gone even before i hit the sack.
Chai&I arrived in Bangkok last night and was greeted by Elfie&Cafie&AUNTS and it was amazing to see at least half the ChooFAM after a long time!

bye NewYork. we had an amazing time... probably one of the BEST Christmas present i've ever received.
it's really embarrassing to admit it but before leaving for America, i was hoping SO hard to see the cast of Gossip Girl. Whattttt?! i'll admit; i'm a huge loser fan of the show. BUT in my defense, how can anyone Not be? it's Easiest one of the best TV Shows ever made and the cast is drop dead gorgeous. and don't get me started on Chuck.
fuck, he's SOOOO sexyyy! ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod.
but knowing my luck, during the time i arrived, they were filming in studios so i didnt see jack.
also blaming My luck, i missed the snowfall. I Know! wtf, right? but unfortunately, i did. my Mum was wayyyy more crushed than i was though. she went on about for half the day til i reminded her i have absolutely NO clue what her problem was since she's going to Whistler anyways. mothers.
i've probably watched more news the seven days i was there in NY than i have my entire life. and i dont even know how i get up Without 5 alarms before eight in the morning and making it down before ten for breakfast. i keep thinking about what it is that gets me up and i've only come to one conclusion; they have really good blueberry muffins down in the breakfast buffet so i'm guessing it's me not wanting to miss out on them. sad, but it's the truth.
apart from the map of New York City in my bag which i pull out ever so discreetly half the time, and being confused with the coins that they use in America, TV show timings absolutely confuses me.
first of all. as terrible/horrible/a total retard when it comes to map reading and a sense of directions; i havent been TOO bad during my trip. and i have figured out that a Dime is 10cents, a Quarter is 25cents (DUH!), and the little copper coins are 1cents, but what is a penny? also, is it just me or can someone tell me if the news are on repeat? 'cause it Really feels like it is! i'll be watching it, and than it'll end and the same thing will come up and i'll be like, "that looks familiar". AND! what the hell does like, 7/8 mean? like, it's on the bottom left hand corner of all the shows. i dont get it! does it mean it's showing at 7 OR 8?!
cause i dont have a loaded boyfriend/fiance or parents that print money, Unfortunately. i emptied almost all of my wallet within the first 2 days i was there and my Mum Absolutely Refused to open up hers for me. do you know what i had to go through to get a 40 out of her? Seriously. (she'll probably fly all the way here to Thailand to stab me if she read this; I'M KIDDING MOTHER! you know me; full of jokes and appreciate-ism :D no, i'm kidding. really! i'm really grateful for the trip; God knows i've waited seven bloody years for it. let's take a trip back down memory lane, shall we? i was 11 and it was between Australia and America. than OSAMA BLOODY BIN LADEN pulled a Sep11 (God bless the souls who were lost that day), and i guess the choice was clear. Oh, my Mum&I went to the Twin Towers site, and it was sad, really. it's not like i knew what it looked like before but right now it's just this fenced up huge piece of empty land. so it makes you feel, Empty? i dont know... it was sad.)
but the Mac&Cheese i had after that made me feel tons better. man, it was Good!
so anyways as i was saying. i dont have a loaded set of parents nor a loaded guy in love with me waiting to marry me so after spending practically all my money, i was told to "sight see and dont you dare cab. take the subway!" so i did as i was told; i took the subway. Several times, actually. it, wasn't as scary as i thought it would be. sure it looked like it did in Blade Trinity, and it's NOWHERE near similar to anything our MRT stations look like with the dirt-stained walls and paper MET card but it wasn't un-endurable. it actually moves quite fast, and within like, 4 mins i've arrived 20 or smthg blocks later.
i've been writing this post for like, 2 days now. the Publish Post button needs to be clicked.
HAHAHAHAH, i half-expected to see Tom Cruise walk out. or in.
i didnt realise how good Tapas was.
best $1.25 hotdog.
recession, my ass.
The Oprah Show is showing on ABC and today's episode is about how scam artists from Nigeria scam Americans online via the online dating scene and those stupid junk email that tells you you've won the lottery or like, a million dollars.
HONESTLY. okay, i guess people who are looking for love online tend to be slightly more vulnerable and when the ass of a scam artist tells you you're all he's got in the world after what, A MONTH? and proposes to you. no duh, you're ecstatic... than he asks you to wire over say, few thousands of dollars because he's in a rut and at the moment, you're the only shining light and of course, what's a few thousands of dollars when you're engaged to the man of your dreams... whom you havent met. and he tells you that he'll fly over to meet you at the airport and of course you put on your prettiest dress and wait for him for SIX BLOODY HRS, than it hits you that you've been scammed. and you go online and find out that your handsome prince charming is actually some random on a modelling site. man, that must suck.
and those Stupid emails! OHMYGOD. if you havent Even taken part in Any lottery, how can you possibly win any money? NOTHING, i repeat, NOTHING is free in this WholeEntireWorld. think about it! i guess, air Is free. but come on, your Mama had to pay for food to live for the 9 months to have given birth to you.
... guess it's rich coming from me since i just paid 5 bucks for THREE roll-ups? i know i know! i feel stupid, but this kid sold it to me claiming it's for his basketball team who's hoping to buy jerseys. awww, doesnt it just warm your heart on a cold winter evening? and another 10 bucks 2 nights ago to some guy passing his self-made CD around hoping to break into the R&B industry by "spreading the word to make it to the top". he even signed his home-burned CD, and i guess if he really does make it big, that CD would be worth Something. but whatever, Kelvin i'm giving you that CD :D
to be fair, he never mentioned that it was 10 bucks. he asked for a donation i was comfortable with. but come on, you gotta give credit to anyone who isnt embarrassed to be rapping on the Ave of Americas when it's 5 degrees out. after passing him the 10 bucks, i'm named a "homegirl". he asked if i've ever been to Harlem, i smile and say "No...", he quickly tells me that it's not really like in American Gangsters where shootings go on all the time. i say i'll visit it when i have the time and homegirls get a kiss on their cheeks before they boot.
SCORE MOFO!!! the weather channel just said there'll be slight snow on Sunday morning!! HOHOHOHOHOHOHO. it's been... SOOOOOO long since i last saw snow, and no, Snow City in Singapore doesnt count.
that's ice, that smells.
i went into Wendy's today hoping to try my FIRST Wendy's infamous burgers and shakes but right next to the USD$6.99 for the Chicken Club was the 1005 calories that it contained. looking down at my thighs, i turned and left; "Maybe after 10 more blocks" i told myself. i dont normally deprive myself a good burger but i felt a little guilty for downing 4 cupcakes for breakfast yesterday and 2 muffins and a bowl of cereal this morning. 3 blocks down and i buy me a hot dog and before i could stop myself, another one 2 streets down.
every single store i've been into has been playing christmas songs, and the window decorations at the department stores are absolutely gorgeous. it really makes the holiday season tons more exciting.
also absolutely gorgeous is the Victoria Secret store and the Juicy Couture store.
Why oh Why doesnt Singapore bring Victoria Secret in? argh, so frustrating.
i only managed this few pictures before i was told cameras weren't allowed.
my Dad keeps reminding me to go to Rockefeller Center cause he thinks i'll only realise what a Magical Christmas looks like after i witness the ice skating rink and the world's largest Christmas tree, or so i'm told. i saw it and it really didnt seem That big.
i guess he meant at night when it's all litted and gorgeous but i wasnt about to stay out too late cause it gets dark at like, 5 in the evening during Winter and i'm sooo not up for being mugged off of the loot i bought today on the way back to the hotel.
H, the next 2 pics are especially for you.
do you see it? do you see it?
sorry hunni, i didnt go in cause the line was wayyyy too long. but i will before i leave.
i guess it's sorta true what they say; America is bigger than life. well. sorta kinda.
all stores that's in Asia is tripled in sizes and numbers here in America.
Forever Twentyone is three-levels high, and Victoria Secret is two. Juicy Couture was two and every other corner you turn, is also a two-level Maccas/Burger King. and i think i saw two three-levelled H&M stores and one two-levelled one.
this has to be the most adorable decoration i've seen.
i know! these pull-down ladder things are real!
give me break; i bought a new camera.
CHANTAL'S outtttt.