Sunday, March 15, 2009
Happy 19th Birthday to, Chantal Simone Choo.
aka, myself.
I know most nineteen year olds would probably be still in bed nursing a massive hangover from last night's intense partying to embrace being a year nearer to getting the "key" to their own lives, and than getting up in an hr or two and start getting ready for another night of wild partying, just 'cause they can.
But not this nineteen year old. I went to bed by 2am (after downing another brownie, complete with chocolate sauce and ice cream) and was woken up at 7am by my message tone and still groggy and eyes half shut, read the sweetest message from my other half. Slept through more message alerts than my Mum cames in, gives me a hug (and I think she said smthg, but I slept through it). I didnt reply cause I dont like talking with morning breath, but finally woke up to the smell of pancakes. No doubt about it; Breakfast of the Champions.
My Mum's most irational before leaving the house 'cause she's Absolutely anal about being punctual. No, scratch that. She's absolutely anal about being, At Least, 15 mins early. So, when I yelled from my room to ask her to leave me my Visa behind, I dont think she was thinking straight when she did. You see, she confiscated it citing "Irresponsible spending", but it's safe to say that apart from it being my birthday, she couldnt bear the thought of being a second late.
What's so special bout my birthday this year is that all I've planned to do is Eat and Shop.
Like, really. I just really want to EAT.
My sixteen year old sister says I'm deprived of a wild and out-of-control adolescent ('cause I wasn't picked up by my sister drunk at Orchard) and was probably dumb-founded when I told her I didn't want to get dressed up and go clubbbing but would rather stay at home, and well, Eat.
But to each their own, and I'm excited for tomorrow's meal already.